<p>I am a sophomore going into junior year. So far I am ranked 12 in my class but will most likely be in the top 10 or 5 of my class. I go to a blue ribbon school where our classes and courses are rigorous. I was wondering what would look good for accelerated medical programs like Brown PLME, Northwestern or any other accelerated. I know EC's play a lot into it. As a sophomore, I got seventh place in Speech and Debate at the state tournament. California, the state I got seventh, is the most competitive state in debate. My goal for next year is winning, or being in the top 3. I also made it to nationals my sophomore year (only 3 other ppl from my school have made it to nats, and they were all seniors). I am going to be the team captain next year I am also involved in hospital volunteer where I will soon be on the executive volunteer board. I am also doing research with professors at a local university. I was wondering how much does actual research come into play? Do Accelerated med programs want u to be focused in sciencey research, or would they want a variety skills. My main focus in high school is going to be speech and debate. I was also planning on starting an FBLA, a business club, at my school as well. I am also part of the varsity tennis team. Should I specifically focus on research, or does public speaking and business look good to accelerated programs as well.</p>