What minors do you recommend for good MCAT scores?

<p>I AM NOT majoring in Physics nor Mathematics(which tend to do best in this test), and my school doesn't have Biomedical engineering, which I'd love and do well at. I'm forced to major in Biology and minor in Chemistry as I was accepted into a 6 year(undergrad+med school program, which ties my chances of getting accepted up). However, I've seen statistics demonstrating that Biology majors perform the worst. Physics, Math, and Biomedical engineering majors do the best. I'm good at Math, so if I chose to have a second minor in it, it wouldn't hurt my GPA(I already have College Algebra, and Cal I&II credits). I kinda suck at Physics, I forget the concepts easily, however I plan on taking a year of Calc-based Physics though I don't need it due to Dual Credit Algebra-based Physics class. I feel like I need to review. Do you think I should take Calc-based Physics or minor in Math?</p>

<p>In my opinion, a minor in the humanities will do much more for your MCAT score than minoring in math. The reason why math-based majors get higher scores is because they have been taught not to memorize information, but to process and fully understand the intuition behind everything presented. That way they remember things more long term than biology majors who are more inclined to just pure memorization. The MCAT is a test that tests your critical reasoning abilities more than it tests your ability to memorize information. But that isn’t to say that you can go into the test without knowing anything about the subjects. If you truly are as good at math as you say you are, then a you already have the ability to think intuitively about topics on the MCAT and a math minor will not help you much there.</p>

<p>The reason why I say humanities is because a lot of science majors generally underestimate the verbal section on the MCAT and bomb that section because they can’t raise their score as much as they need to in the 3-4 months that they study. Excelling in the verbal section requires you to read critically with high speed and comprehension which you can only get through reading as much dense material as you can. Humanities classes like english literature forces you to read and analyze more difficult texts which in the long run will help you on the MCAT way more than math. Oh and med schools love humanities minors. But if you’re an absolute boss at critical reading then disregard this.</p>

<p>As for calc-based physics, its generally way more difficult and extensive than the physics on the MCAT and it might hurt your GPA way more than it will help you on the MCAT. I took calc-based physics and the MCAT does NOT go into as much depth as the class does. The MCAT covers a lot of physics topics but only superficially.</p>