What NOT to Wear...at Bama... ;)

<p>Agreed Aeromom, while this thread is useful if you are into that kind of thing, missing it won’t impact your son’s BAMA life in any way… exactly like where we both now live!</p>

<p>Don’t take some of these posts too seriously. Some are more “into” clothes, while some don’t care at all. Both ways are fine. :)</p>

<p>I will vouch for the recommendation that the guys have a sports coat, dress shirt, slacks, and shoes. Despite good intentions, we somehow never got our son a sport coat (blue blazer) and decent dress shirt this year and he went to several academic functions where, based on his feedback, he was under dressed in comparison to most others.</p>

<p>Keep in mind that your student’s taste in clothing could change, too. My son rarely wears jeans (he has several pairs). He prefers khakis. He also owns four or five sport coats – there have been times he has had more than one function to dress for in a given day, so he’s glad he has extras. My best advice is to shop. Really shop if you want a bargain. You can find them. For example, my younger son wanted a pair of Sperrys. (He knows kids in his high school who wear them) So I started to price them. With a sale and another 30 percent off coupon, along with free shipping, I got them for $45 (regularly, they run $90).</p>

<p>There was an article in the CW detailing some the student fashion trends. Several different styles (but not all) were represented.</p>

<p>Feel free to dress how you normally would! Just remember to be clean and groomed and dress appropriately for the occasion.</p>



<p>Couldn’t have said it better.</p>

<p>Yes…clean clothes and a bathed body…that is always best! lol </p>

<p>With 25,000 undergrads, no one should feel that there is any particular “look” that one must ascribe to. Bama has all kinds of kids. </p>

<p>That said, I know that when my oldest was a senior in high school, I did want to get some idea of what kids wore at Bama since my kids wore uniforms for K-12. I knew I’d have to do some clothes shopping since I knew my son wouldn’t be wearing uniforms anymore. :)</p>

<p>I sat in the Quad and just watched. Once I had a general idea that many boys wore shorts and Tshirts or polo shirts & flip flops (it was a warm day), I had an idea of what I’d be buying. </p>

<p>If I had girls, I would have noted that many girls wear the Nike Tempo-style (or whatever brand) athletic shorts and some Tshirt. </p>

<p>It’s not a fashion show…it’s college. :)</p>

<p>Don’t wear this: <a href=“http://www.tigerrags.com/images/AT30%20lg.jpg[/url]”>http://www.tigerrags.com/images/AT30%20lg.jpg&lt;/a&gt; ;)</p>

<p>malanai - LOL</p>

<p>I’m sure, juice-box would heartily agree!</p>


<p>No one looks good in bright orange anyway.</p>

<p>You call THAT bright orange??? Ever been to Tennessee? I think we were voted ugliest football uniforms one year…</p>

<p>LOL - Youngest was checking DS college info books, when DH mentioned she might look at UT she said she couldn’t go there they’re orange. Seeing his dumbfounded look i responded “honey she doesn’t wear orange, it doesn’t look good on her.”</p>

<p>Malanai, </p>

<p>Please post a warning before linking things like that. My corneas are now burnt and I may never be able to see properly again. I will also have trouble sleeping due to the nightmares. You’ll be hearing from my attorney.</p>

<p>Mea culpa, casinoexec. I fear that your corneas are not merely burnt; they’re probably Auburnt. </p>

<p>I have conferred with my attorney, the late Johnny Cochrane, who has opined, “If his eye’s a slit, they won’t acquit.”</p>

<p>Hence, we are prepared to settle, offer a public apology, and issue appropriate warning labels. Please have your attorney contact Mr. Cochrane at his earliest convenience via the medium of your choice.</p>

<p>God bless and Roll Tide.</p>

<p>How about we settle out of court? A box of chocolate covered macadamia nuts might help me sleep better.</p>

<p>Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Milk or dark chocolate? PM me your address. :)</p>

<p>^^^ CC parents are clever.</p>

<p>Like my son’s GT teacher used to say - if you’re smart, thank your parents. ;-)</p>

<p>In our family it’s “She got her brains from her mother and her looks from her dad…(pause for effect)…thank God it didn’t go the other way”</p>

<p>No one ever knows how to respond! (But it’s true…)</p>