What NOT to Wear...at Bama... ;)

<p>I think a scarf and gloves comes in handy on cold days.</p>


<p>Thanks for recommending this thread mom2collegekids! This is exactly what I was looking for. It seems like houndstooth and Nike tempo shorts are definitely must-haves at Alabama! :)</p>

<p>All I can say, is after my HS senior son visited, on the way home from the airport, he begged me to stop and buy him some polo shirts and nice (not cargo) khaki shorts. During his visit, he dressed nice for the tour, but like a HS kid during his hanging out time. The Bama jr who hosted him during his visit, one of his lax buds from his high school, told him he needed to lose the rock music t-shirts and cargo shorts. I just love that our son is going back south for college…:)</p>

<p>My HS senior son will most definitely still be wearing his rock music t-shirts and cargo shorts at Bama next year…</p>

<p>^^ And that’s OK. Based on my D’s friends whom I’ve met and her pictures I’ve seen, he won’t be the only one.</p>

<p>Often students change their attire once they are on campus. My son (and many of his friends) did. He went to school with lots of the same clothing he had in high school. But once he got on campus, he decided that he no longer liked the cargo shorts and many of his t-shirts. He made that decision before joining his fraternity (which does not have any sort of dress requirements/suggestions). He prefers khakis and polo shirts. He also has lots of business attire, because he does present regularly in his classes.</p>

<p>The change, while it cost a few pennies (his, not mine), has rubbed off a bit on his younger brother, who also seems to be dressing a bit better these days.</p>

<p>“My HS senior son will most definitely still be wearing his rock music t-shirts and cargo shorts at Bama next year…”</p>

<p>This is exactly what my son wears most days at 'Bama. He will not change…no matter how many polo shirts and cardigans I buy him. :)</p>

<p>Just re-read this great thread. Bump!</p>

<p>I would have to say a “Notre Dame rules” shirt just wouldnt fit in about now.</p>

<p>One thing I noticed Monday night was that NOBODY looks good dressed as a Leprechaun.</p>

<p>There is only one way to dress at Alabama. You should wear whatever you want and makes you feel comfortable. The best thing you can do is to be yourself.</p>

<p>^^^ Hear, hear!</p>

<p>This is an oldie-but-goodie thread, I see.</p>

<p>I had to respond to momreads comment about her son: “Often students change their attire once they are on campus. My son (and many of his friends) did.”</p>

<p>Ditto for my daughter. Once upon a time she loved wearing skirts all over campus, but over time she has switched to jeans and t-shirts. Just more practical. So I guess in her case, she went in the opposite direction from momreads’ son.</p>

<p>For men, try to avoid wearing plaid pants with plaid shirts and never wear knee high black socks with shorts.</p>

<p>And don’t wear flip flops with a suit. I learned that one the hard way.</p>

<p>Not getting the oversized t shirts and Nike shorts. It’s not a very flattering look. Saw it at several southern schools. Hopefully it will go the way of the leisure suit.</p>

<p>Sent from my SCH-R760 using CC</p>

<p>I’m doing some off to college shopping and was wondering what type of tennis shoes are recommended/popular for exercising or just walking around campus. I always see girls with brightly colored Nike running shoes up in the north, but I’m not sure what style/brand is worn a lot at Alabama. It may have been mentioned in here before, but I didn’t want to have to search through 30 pages! Thanks! :)</p>

<p>Faith, those bright Nike tennis shoes seem to be “in” as well. Both my D’s have some and the one going off to UA just bought a pair this week for school.</p>

<p>Boys wear the bright colored ones too.</p>