"What other colleges are you applying to?" question.

<p>So no one seems to really have answered this. What do colleges want to hear when they ask you this in an interview? </p>

<p>Are they looking just for similar matches? (which if so, they shouldnt mind rejecting you to go to one listed)</p>

<p>Do they want to hear it is among your hardest? (then again, they wouldnt feel bad rejecting you if you anticipated it would be most difficult)</p>

Should you name the hardest colleges, showing you are capable of really good colleges (BUT then you might give off the impression its a "safety"!)</p>

<p>I’d say:
“Relatively [small/large, depending on what it is] schools in the [insert schools’ location] area that offer similar resources and opportunities.”
I wouldn’t want to make it sound like I’m applying to 5 safeties and they’re my only reach.</p>


<p>Also, your reasonings may not be what they perceive.</p>

<p>Are they looking just for similar matches? (which if so, they shouldnt mind rejecting you to go to one listed) - No, they should realize that you want your idea of a great education, and applying to 10 schools with zilch in common makes it seem like you’re desperate to get in anywhere.</p>

<p>Do they want to hear it is among your hardest? (then again, they wouldnt feel bad rejecting you if you anticipated it would be most difficult) - Schools of that selectivity realize that they’re selective, I’m sure they don’t think that people who apply to reaches deserve rejection.</p>

<p>Should you name the hardest colleges, showing you are capable of really good colleges (BUT then you might give off the impression its a “safety”!) - Yes, it might make them think that they’re lower. I definitely wouldn’t list more elite institutions…</p>

<p>I’ve done that, the whole general thing…BUT they just seem to wait until they get specifics. lol</p>

<p>Oh, that’s really weird… I don’t think it’s very professional to prod like that. I’d list similar ones, then. Like if a Vandy interviewer asked, I’d say schools like Rice, Emory, etc. Unless you actually ARE applying to an extremely broad spectrum…</p>

<p>yeah. idk. all of mine are extremely similar so its hard to emphasize why the particular college is why i want to go THERE.
opps, i tried the “similar” tactic and the lady was impressed i did my homework.
but then i tried the “reach list” and it was followed by “well, where do you see X__ on your list?”…i guess that was a mistake!</p>

<p>thanks xsteven!</p>