<p>I'm going to be applying for grad school in a biology-related field this Fall. So far I've found professors at the following universities with similar interests who I would like to work with:</p>
Johns Hopkins
<p>Do any of you who have been through the process have any pros or cons you can tell me regarding the aforementioned institutions? I know that picking a grad school comes down to a multitude of factors (many of which are personal) so I'm not trying to have others pick for me...just give me a heads up...</p>
<p>I'm a current grad student (G3) at Harvard, in the BBS program. I'd be happy to answer any questions you have about Harvard, or about BBS if that's the program you plan to apply to. </p>
<p>I didn't apply to any of the other schools on your list, so I can't comment comparatively.</p>
<p>The UofT's Erindale (or Mississauga) campus is a less than stellar location compared to the downtown location. But, on the upside, it will be cheaper.</p>
<p>What is the situation for Americans that want to do grad school in Canada? Do people do this? How do stipends and tuition work? Would a spouse be able to get a work permit?</p>
<p>It's usually the other-way around, Canadians heading south of the border. But that said, I am sure there are some Yankies up here, mostly at UofT and UBC. For tuition, an American would pay international fees, which wouldn't be more than $8K-10K for a full year at most universities.</p>
<p>As far as I know, almost all science and engineering MS (thesis) and PhDs are fully funded, with stipends ranging between $16-25K. But, it's relatively easy to get scholarships so it's not uncommon to have funding in the high 20s and low 30s. My stipend was made up of a TA and RA, so I was responsible for 6 hours of teaching and 6 hours of research a week. </p>
<p>I am not sure how work permits go, but under NAFTA, I think it's relatively easy for your spouse to recieve one.</p>
<p>I'm a grad student at Pitt. I did biochem in my undergrad but now I'm in biomedical informatics... it's through the med school not through arts and sciences but I could still answer any questions you have. What department and/or professors are you considering at Pitt??</p>