what school to attend $$ or $$$$

<p>D accepted into pricey nursing schools(50k) as well as schools half the price. Some doctors as well as nurses have told me all schools teach almost same curriculum do to the fact they have to pass nclex. Dont spend a fortune on nursing school .if they do well in school they will get a job. Feedback anyone -</p>

<p>If the NCLEX pass rates are the same, and clinical experience is good at each school, choose the cheaper option no doubt.</p>

<p>Where is she looking?</p>

<p>Adelphi nclex not great last year about 77% asked why the answer recieved was 2nd language students and 2nd career who are going back to school older and have families that take up study time also was told that 2009 they were changing curriculum for the better. D wants to go to quinnipiac cant find nclex results asked school they said it was high 80’s to low 90’s but i cant find info to verify .quinnipiac hefty price tag! Seemed to be state of the art as far school of nursing.</p>

<p>I can assure you,your D will get a better education and college experience at Quinnipiac,without question…NCLEX pass rates are misleading, as the # of students vary greatly form school to school…You might have a 100% pass rate at a middle of the road school,(25 students or less), and a 90% pass rate at a U Penn where they may have over 100 taking the test…And while you may get other opinions, a degree from Quinnipiac will open more doors and opportunities then one form Adelphi,particularly in major medical institutions…</p>

<p>does anyone know what quinnipiac nclex results were last year ?</p>

<p>I haven’t been able to find results for any CT schools. Anyone have a link?</p>

<p>i have looked everywhere and have not found any info on any ct nclex school results as well. i went on conn. public health site and no info. do you have any info or insite about QUINNIPIAC nursing program . on there web they give pass rates on there PA health program OT but not nursing ,wondering if nursing pass rates are not as good as i’ve been told.</p>

<p>U Delaware or Seton Hall $$$? Nursing</p>

<p>Call the CT Board of Nursing office and ask for the pass rates. That’s what I did for VT to find out what it was for UVM. UVM was 88.1% in 2008 to 75% in 2009 and yes, the number of students was different each year. Sometimes a low score forces a school to re-examine their methods but as qdogpa pointed out, don’t be thrown by the score. There are a number of reasons why a score is at 75% and why it’s at 100%. I’ve read that Drexel has a high score but that is because students have to take an in house test first and can’t take the NCLEX until they pass the other which might mean they have to retake classes if they flunk the other (I think call HSI?). Quinnipiac is a beautiful school with a great new top notch facility off campus - state of the art. My D was accepted there with a scholarship and we did a campus tour. She chose another school for a few reasons, one being that the off campus facility was 20 minutes away, in an industrial park and at this time those students have to find their own transportation and classes don’t begin until Junior year. As a mom, I loved what they had to offer but it wasn’t the right choice for my D. I don’t know the other place you mentioned but if you are debating between only those two schools I’d say that Quinnipiac has a great nursing program. Again, call the CT board of nursing. They’ll tell you the pass rate. Also important, ask the nursing dept what their retention rate is. Very important - how many started and how many finished. A google search only revealed that Sacred Heart had a 75% pass rate. Get on facebook and look for both school nursing students, send them a message and ask their opinions. Can’t hurt. Good luck and congrats to your daughter.</p>

<p>In regards to Nursing jobs/experience and feedback given to Nurse92 - I asked a friend who is a 30 year nursing and director of a department in a major hospital. She told me that she doesn’t care where a nurse went to school. She only cares how they used their off time between semesters and their clinical experiences. She wants to see how motivated a nursing student entering the field is while studying. So, her advice, don’t suggest your child work in a restaurant during their off time when they can be gaining experience of any kind in a medical setting. Having shared that, it’s hard not want one’s child to go to a place where robotics, technology are key as we all want them to walk into their job having had the best nursing education possible to reduce human error and emotional stress that comes with that type of job.</p>

<p>Spoke to a great lady at CT board of nursing who emailed me info:</p>

<p>Quinnipiac U NCLEX Pass Rates:
2007 BSN 64 55 Passed/9 Failed 85.9% Pass Rate
2008 BSN 76 67 Passed/9 Failed 88.2% Pass Rate
2009 BSN 83 78 Passed/5 Failed 94.0% Pass Rate </p>

<p>Fairfield U
2007 BSN 61 56P/5F 91.8% PR
2008 BSN 60 52P/8F 86.7% PR
2009 BSN 58 54P/4F 93.1% PR </p>

<p>Sacred Heart U
2007 29 25P/4F 86.2% PR
2008 44 33P/11F 75.0% PR
2009 45 41P/4F 91.1% PR</p>

<p>Which is the best RN Nursing program: Orange Community College, Rockland Community College, Dominican College, Mercy College, Fairleigh Dickinson, or Pace?</p>

<p>I was impressed by the Quinnipiac pass rates, which are nicely consistent. This is very off-topic, but the Quinnipiac thread makes me feel very old. I took a class there in the late 1970s, when it was a Community College in a converted warehouse in Bridgeport. Sacred Heart didn’t have dorms back then. Boy, what a difference almost 40 years makes.</p>

<p>2 scenarios:

  1. Can you change your major from health science into the nursing program if you are a current student at Quinnipiac;if so, what is the criteria?
  2. Can you transfer into the Quinnipiac nursing program from another college;if so, again what is the criteria?</p>

<p>Has anyone actually been successful transferring into nursing…</p>

<p>I am a nurse manager and I don’t look at school names when hiring staff-I look to see if they have at least a BSN and have had any clinical experience outside of school, including volunteer work.</p>

<p>Can you please provide any information on Quinnipiac’s Nursing Program - advise about professors, sequence of courses, utilizing study groups, etc. study techniques, living together with nursing students, social life, nursing clubs, etc. THANK YOU!!</p>