What schools would fit me?

I’m looking for an LAC with strong humanities departments( mainly seminar style classes) I also want a place with solid need based financial aid( and one that isn’t too difficult to transfer into)

You may want to research whether any of these schools might be suitable for you:

Would Earlham, for example, be affordable?

Can you update us since your previous threads?

What year in college are you? What is your cumulative college GPA? What is your budget?

Have you applied for transfers for this Fall?


I’ve been to several universities. I went to 2 mediocre Catholic colleges( priced out of both) but I did well for a year at St. John’s Santa Fe (3.4 GPA) and I’m looking to transfer to Reed in the Spring. How difficult is it to transfer in?

This was posted almost two years ago. What have you been doing since August 2021?

How much aid do you need to attend college…and will this be your third, or fourth college, or fifth? Getting aid as a transfer student is challenging.


Please provide your background because we need context. Otherwise your years-long gap between posts is very confusing.

Tell us where you have already attended, how much college you have completed, what you are majoring in, and what your financial situation is.


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