What should I do for college in Texas??

<p>What should I do for college? (In Texas) TCU,UNT,TCC?</p>

<p>So I wanted to go to UNT(university of north texas), it was the only college I applied to...im smart and a good student so I knew I would get in; I heard they had a good art program. </p>

<p>But now im wondering if I should go to TCU (texas christin university), (yeah,yeah its expensive and blablah, thats my problem, not yours. I still think its a good school). I want to be an art major. </p>

<p>I have met art majors from both schools and I kinda like TCU's more, plus I have lived in Fort Worth all my life and I love the area and know all the places, second I love how it has smaller class sizes. </p>

<p>So I was wondering if I should go to UNT the first semester then transfer to TCU for the second, OR should I go to the community college (TarrantCountyCollege) to finsih my basics and then transfer to TCU. I feel the community college is best and saves money, but do you think its better to go to UNT? I already have 12 hours of dual credit from TCC, I have beenin it since junior year in high school.</p>


<p>TCU has an excellent Art School with great programs! I’d say you can transfer from either school. You will save more money by going to TCC. I’d call admissions and ask them what they recommend. Tell them you are interested in a merit scholarship.
Good luck!</p>

<p>TCU > UNT academically. Not sure about art programs. I know all those people up at UNT seem to be really artsy but I wonder what their employment is like after college.</p>

<p>Regardless, I can attest to dozens of stories of people going to TCC for a year to save money and then transferring in to TCU, so if you are looking to save money I’d definitely recommend that.</p>