What should I DO????

<p>Hi. I am currently a sophomore who just moved in from Korea.</p>

<p>I'm 15 now and they gave me a choice either to be a freshman or a sophomore, but I chose to be a sophomore though they strongly suggested me to be a freshman, which I mostly regret now. My schedules are really messed up and I have to have sophomore classes even when I become a junior.</p>

<p>First of all, I want to go to MIT or Princeton. Not because it's the greatest goal of my life, but the people and the atmosphere and the things which I'll learn there, would help me to reach my lifelong quest so greatly. I want to be an chem environmental scientist to help the people of sinking lands.(env/ph/ch/math/...)</p>

<p>I am currently getting on average A-, but it is merely due to my lack of vocabulary abilities and I am absolutely positive I'll be able to get all A+s from next term. </p>

<p>I also participated in AMC10 and got 136.5, and on practice AIMEs am getting only like 4or 6 but will be able to get at least 7 by next month.</p>

<p>I also participate in Mathclub, psychology club.... etc but I just moved in so not so many.</p>

<p>How, in the world should I improve myself?
Should I believe in fat chance or do something more helpful?
Should I participate in more clubs?
Should I do community services?</p>

<p>Thank you so much for reading this long letter,</p>