what should I do?

<p>I am going to take SAT II on this upcoming saturday..</p>

<p>From my previous SAT II,
I received
Writing: 670
Math 2c: 790
Chemistry: 710.</p>

<p>I am going to retake Writing and take Biology, instead of chemistry.</p>

<p>But, should I take Math 2C again?
I think I can get 800, but I am afraid that taking Math 2C will look really "bad" or "desperate" to college admissions..</p>

<p>Nah leave the IIC alone, a 790 is good enough and you don't wanna play with that. Just take Writing and Bio.</p>

<p>regardless of how it would look (we'd all like to say '800'), stick to two tests so you'll be stronger in both, rather than starting to weaken from hunger, stress, brain drain, etc., in #3</p>