What should I major in??

<p>I just finished my freshman year of college, and in regards to my major, I am very confused. I started out as a music major my 1st semester, only to be extremely discouraged. I ended up switching to broadcasting/MBA this past semester. One thing that I'm positive I want to do after college is that I want to start my own business (that's why I'm getting my MBA). Should I just drop the broadcasting part and fully major in business? I know that the odds of me starting a successful business are not good and that it's a really risky move, so should I major in something else and minor in business, to be safe? I am honestly so lost right now since practically every major I've ever been interested in is unrealistic or would leave me unemployed or making very little money (ex. music, broadcasting/communications, creative writing, etc). I love music, but I don't want to be a band teacher or music therapist. If I did broadcasting/communications I would love to have a job behind the scenes of a major television network, either filming, doing audio levels, scriptwriting, etc. but I feel like that's also pretty unlikely. Right now I'm considering doing the psychology/MBA program at my school since I find psychology very interesting and took a psych class in high school and loved it. However, I'm not sure that the psychology degree would help me get a good job. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>IF you want to start your own business, drop out of University and go to a 2 year school for an associates degree in business, it will be cheaper and faster. </p>

<p>that said if you want a backup career, information technology or computer science degree or even accounting/finance will serve you well. i myself am considering the sciences, i started of wanting to do chemistry/Biology but lack of jobs and difficulty has discouraged me, currently considering political science and psychology as i like those subjects as well. the good thing is that Graduate school is always an option. a Psychology WILL NOT land you a good job after school, it will however land you an entry level job and promote you faster than an associates or high school degree with the same amount of work. </p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>