What technical skills do MIS majors learn?

<p>I'm a CIS major in a pretty programming-intensive program (Required classes include: 1 Java, 2 DBA/SQL, 1 Infrastructure, 1 System Analysis/UML, etc.) and I still have to take all of the basic business classes (Econ, Accounting/Finance, Marketing, Law). However I look at the MIS degrees offered at my neighboring universities (BU, Northeastern, etc.) and they have very, very little programming in their degrees. </p>

<p>I think BU has one 1 programming class in OOP and that's it, Northeastern I don't think has any. I'm sure these MIS programs are great, but I'm curious... If these technical classes don't involve programming, what do students in an MIS major learn in their DBA, Network, System Analysis classes? I'm not trying to knock the degrees, I'm just genuinely unsure of how a computer class in these subjects can be taught without going into programming.</p>