<p>I noticed that USC and some other colleges require homeschoolers to take the SAT plus 3 subject tests. Im trying to figure out of that rule applies to all California Colleges? Cause I cant seem to find anywhere on the UCLA website where they require specific tests from a homeschooler. Can somebody PLEASE help me out?</p>
<p>http:[Admission</a> Policies - UCLA Undergraduate Admissions](<a href=“http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/policies.htm]Admission”>http://www.admissions.ucla.edu/policies.htm)</p>
University of Southern California is a private institution, not part of the UC system. If you do not live in CA, you’ll find meeting the admission requirements very difficult. Best bet is to apply alternate route via examination. Still, UC systems makes it very hard for anyone not attending “approved” UC courses.
No standard rule for required tests for all California schools. Every private school may differ, so you need to check each school’s website. For the UC’s and Cal States, their a-g required courses are listed in this link:
Many UC’s recommend SAT II subject tests based on your intended major.
Though each UC’s site provides some information on admission, you really need to review the UC Admission site applicable to UCs in general, on which you will submit your application and which provides all the the information on the requirements for admission to the UCs and your alternaticves if home-schooled. You can start your exploration for homeschoolers at this page on the site: http://admission.universityofcalifornia.edu/freshman/homeschool/index.html