What to do if i'm a felony sex offender...

<p>Just kidding, but I am in a unique situation and need advice-</p>

<p>Basically I have four(ish) options:
1) Stay at OSU and finish my B.S. in architecture
2) Double major in arch/poli sci (will take 5 years to graduate)
3) Quit arch and major only in poli sci (will take just as long as arch alone)
4) Transfer to UVa and do any of the above there (I find out in 2 weeks if i got in)</p>

<p>...I am a bit in the dark about all of these possible paths because everyone is telling me conflicting things. Architecture has a lot of grade deflation, but who's to say i'll do better in poli sci. Do LS admin officers get sick of poli sci majors? Or do they dislike pre-professional degrees?(even though my particular arch degree is very well rounded). Im from VA and I would have a much higher quality of life at UVa (Ohio is horrible), but I hear that UVa has a lot of grade deflation. OSU's poli sci dept. has recently been ranked #4 in the world and many members of the faculty are well-known law professors @ Mortiz.</p>

<p>Yeah I know that's a lot but am a little bit swamped with options...right now I am leaning towards either poli sci at OSU or arch/poli sci at UVa.</p>

<p>Oh yeah, I plan on getting a 175+ on my LSAT</p>

<p>Is it just me, or does this post sounds way too much like that runner4891 guy?</p>

<p>"Other than architecture subjects like politics, philosophy, and journalism all interest me. Law in itself is not the most intereting subject but I have noticed that many great minds of the previoulsy mentioned disiplines got their start in law and theren lies my motivation to study it. "</p>

<p>Then again, may be it's just me, but I see somewhat of a similarity in their writing. Oh well.</p>

<p>Ummm thank you for the accusations...but could you give me any advice?</p>


<p>Asbuckeye07 has been factually consistent in his 96 posts. Runner4891 was anything but.</p>

<p>Asbuckeye07, </p>

<p>Here's my advice:</p>

<li><p>You'd probably be getting more responses if you had chosen a different subject line. </p></li>
<li><p>Law school admission counselors see a lot of applications from poli sci majors, and few from well-rounded architects. If you can do the latter while keeping up your GPA at a decent level (e.g. the 3.63 you've referred to in other postings), and actually achieve the LSAT score you're "planning on," you'll get into some good law schools.Then again, if you major in poli sci what that sort of LSAT score, you're also likely to be admitted to some good law schools.</p></li>

<p>If I were you, I'd study whatever I found most interesting.</p>

<p>I am not disagreeing with the fact that s/he's been consistent. I just saw some similarity in their writing
/ type of questions/ statements. Nonetheless, sorry for the 'false accusation' -if applicable.</p>

<p>So much for my detective career :D</p>

<p>However, I must say that I am pretty sure that the Runne8419 (or whatever it was) individual will more likely stop posting under that name and continue posting under a different one. Unless, of course, he grows up, or gets incarcerated.</p>

<p>As far as advice to the OP, I believe these questions have been addressed redundantly in previous threads. It is just a matter of using the "search" option. As I have said before in other threads, "Research skills will serve you well in your future career."</p>

<p>P.S. I don't see how somebody can "plan on getting 175+" -if that's the case, I plan on getting 180. <em>rolls eyes</em></p>

<p>Have a good day forum.</p>

<p>"As far as advice to the OP, I believe these questions have been addressed redundantly in previous threads. It is just a matter of using the "search" option. As I have said before in other threads, "Research skills will serve you well in your future career."</p>

<p>P.S. I don't see how somebody can "plan on getting 175+" -if that's the case, I plan on getting 180. <em>rolls eyes</em>"</p>

<p>Bravo buddy...forgive me for having confidence in myself and wasting your extremely valuable time with my post (by the way I agree- there are probably many posts about a second year architecture student at Ohio State who is wondering if he should switch to poli sci/attend UVa).</p>

<p>P.S. Why don't you simply not respond to posts that have been "addressed redundantly"...common sense will serve you well in your future career.</p>

<p>"P.S. Why don't you simply not respond to posts that have been "addressed redundantly"...common sense will serve you well in your future career."</p>

<p>Very good point. Why waste my time advising somebody to look things up, even if that will help them? Yeah, I guess from now on I should be a little more discriminative as to which posts I'll reply to -so I don't end up arguing nonsense.</p>

<p>Listen, the fact is that there have been many threads regarding majors and undergraduate schools, and how this will affect law school admissions. Do you really need somebody to hold your hand and tell you what to do exactly? If I was you, I would go to UVA (if accepted.) Then again, you are planning on things that you don't know for sure. </p>

<p>In regards to your major, follow your interests. If you love arch, major in arch. If you love poli sci, major in it. If you love both, try a double major. It is pretty obvious, isn't it? Of course, there are other factors that you must consider. However, you don't mention these. So, how are forum members supposed to advice you adequately?</p>

<p>In regards to the LSAT, once again, you can't count and/or plan on something that you don't know/have. I applaud your intentions of wanting to ace the LSAT, however, it is just wishful thinking unless you can base your claim on something (practice LSATS?)</p>

<p>Anyway, I am done here. Good luck.</p>

<p>"Why waste my time advising somebody to look things up, even if that will help them? Yeah, I guess from now on I should be a little more discriminative as to which posts I'll reply to -so I don't end up arguing nonsense."</p>

<p>I just don't understand your motive for attacking my post this way. I mean this is an informal internet discussion board, what do you expect? I am asking for people's advice on my PARTICULAR situation (and if you knew me you'd know that i've never needed anyone to "hold my hand"). I'm sorry but I am just sick of people like you who obviously have some sort of inferiority complex and feel the need to put down people via the internet "smoke-screen".</p>

People like you make me cynical about our society.</p>

I stand behind you, the person who didn't step out of line with his statements. Wish I could help, but I'm just a rising undergrad first-year browsing the boards to pick up on some info about law schools.</p>

<p>I am not "attacking" you, so I'm sorry if I came across the wrong way -period. Good luck.</p>

<p>So THIS is what pre-law students do... Do you guys argue with your boyfriends/girlfriends like this as well? Just relax everyone. this is a message board focused around a very stressful time in one's education. Let's all take a breather... Or you can continue to argue like wannabe lawyers... If we have some constructive comments for asbuckeye, then post them, if not, don't waste HIS time, and don't tell him that he is wasting YOURS by asking a question. Afterall, that is the idea of a forum...</p>

<p>ANYWAY, I agree with Greybeard... I think it would be a change of pace for a law school admissions officer to find an app from a well rounded architect. On the other hand, I know many people who are taking poli sci classes as a pre-law curriculum. As long as you are interested in the subject matter, I think that is most important, as long as you keep yourself "rounded." </p>

<p>Best of Luck!!</p>

<p>"As long as you are interested in the subject matter, I think that is most important, as long as you keep yourself "rounded." "</p>

<p>See that's the problem...I am very interested in both majors but realize that architecture will make me more "well-rounded". On the other hand there is the idea that I should be striving for the highest gpa possible (poli sci would definately be the route in that case).</p>


<p>I argued with my girlfriend when I was an undergrad. I argued with my classmates in law school, one of whom I married. I hope to argue with her happily 'till death do us part. We're lawyers; it's what we do best.</p>

<p>"I argued with my girlfriend when I was an undergrad. I argued with my classmates in law school, one of whom I married. I hope to argue with her happily 'till death do us part. We're lawyers; it's what we do best."</p>


<p>Well, I guess... I'm more of the type who would say "I argue for a living, and I don't want to come home and argue with you, Honey..." I guess that would make me somewhat of a pushover, but, if that's the case, then so be it.</p>