What to expect in taking AP Biology?

<p>If you had taken the class, what were your daily experiences?
Thanks in advance!</p>

<p>I’m in it now and it’s definitely nothing like honors or regular biology. Right now the students taking it now are the little guinea pigs experiencing the new curriculum. The new curriculum is more concept based and it focuses on the four main ideas in AP Biology. It’s less memorization now and more application, which can get very challenging. In order to do well, you must know the concepts well, instead all of the steps and/or molecules of the citric-acid cycle or memorizing all the amino acids and structures. Also it has more math. The new exam has six grid-in questions.</p>

<p>It’s also a lot of reading and material, so try not to get behind, or you will get lost. Reading 50+ pages isn’t fun right before the test. But it is a fun class and you’ll get to do a WHOLE lot of fun experiments that you simulated on computers in honors or regular biology. Right now we’re in the biotechnology unit and we’re working with micro-pipettes preparing for out glowing bacteria lab. Just keep up with the work, study on a regular basis and you should be fine :).</p>

<p>So the class aim for good understanding of the concepts rather then just memorizing terms is what you’re saying?</p>

<p>For me, the class is pretty much what my Honors Biology class was, but with extremely difficult exams. It’s doable, but you need to put in the hours of studying and memorizing.</p>