What to put as race on common app?

<p>What up peeps! So I am Hispanic, well more than half, I'm around 60 or 70% but when I check if I'm hispanic and the other information. It says to click race describes you the best and then put the background information for it??? What am I suppose to pick, I'm thinking white but I don't know what it would be considering I'm mostly Hispanic, do I just put Mexico or something???? Sorry, super confused over here, would really appreciate help!!</p>

<p>Background is for example, Mexican, Mexican/PR, PR/Dominican, etc.</p>

<p>Then the next question asks: </p>

<p>Regardless of your answer to the prior question, please indicate how you identify
yourself. (Check one or more and describe your background.)</p>

<p>p American Indian or Alaska Native (including all Original Peoples of the Americas)
Are you Enrolled? p Yes p No If yes, please enter Tribal Enrollment Number________________</p>


<p>p Asian (including Indian subcontinent and Philippines)</p>


<p>p Black or African American (including Africa and Caribbean)</p>


<p>p Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander (Original Peoples)</p>


<p>p White (including Middle Eastern)</p>


<li><p>Please read the OP of the Definition sticky thread at the top of this forum. </p></li>
<li><p>Don’t confuse these three terms: ethnicity (Hispanic), background (country of origin) and race. Hispanics can be, and are, of any race(s).</p></li>
<li><p>You can mark as many races as are applicable, or none at all, it’s your choice as these questions are optional. If you are mestizo, then you can mark the white and AI/AN category, since all of the Americas are included. However, since this mainly aimed at students with No. Am. tribal affiliations, do not expect it to be a big plus for admissions. You can also mark whatever race(s) the rest of your background is.</p></li>