What UCs do I have a chance at?

Hi! I’m currently a sophomore in high school. I’m looking to go into business for my major. So far, my cumulative gpa is a 4.0556 (weighted), 4.0 (unweighted) (4.0 freshman year, 4.1 first semester sophomore year). So far in my sophomore year, I have gotten all As but my honors bio grade for second semester is very borderline right now (90.1%), and I’m very worried- I have never received a b. I am very interested in the following schools and I would aprreciate feedback on which are possible with the track I’m on now. (what if I got a b in bio even though planning on business major?) Thanks!!

  1. California Berkeley
  2. UCLA
  3. University of Michigan (I get in-state tuition here)
  4. Indiana

Overall class rank: 1/492
Semester 1 class rank: 20/1542

PSAT score: 1320/1520, 98th percentile

9th Grade Year: 4.0
World History: A/A
Geophysical Science: A/A
Spanish 2: A/A
English 9: A/A
Band: A/A
Honors Geometry: A/A

10th Grade Year: 4.1 first semester, at worst a 4.0 second semester
AP US History: A-/A-
Honors Biology: A/ (A- or B+)
Honors Alg 2 w/ Trig: A/A
American Literature: A/A
Spanish 3: A/A
Health: A/A
Personal Fit: A/A

11th Grade Plans:
Honors Sci-Fi
Advanced Comp
AP Micro
AP Macro
AP Prob and Stats
Spanish 4
Honors Precalc

12th Grade Year plans:
AP Psychology
AP Calc BC
AP Spanish

My extracurriculars:
Student Congress (ran for treasuerer on board but lost)
Key Club
NHS (next year if I get in)
Unified Sports (help disabled kids play sports)
This summer I am attending a leadership camp for my student congress and I am going to be a counselor at a camp for kids with muscular dystrophy.

Too early to tell but you are on the right track. Come back end of Junior year with your UC GPA, test scores, EC’s and awards. If you continue to do well, you have a chance at UCB/UCLA. You do realize Haas at UCB is not a direct admit and UCLA does not have a Business school. Take look at USC for Business since you stated $55K/year in costs is not an issue.


I think OP that you care firstly about getting in. You really should talk to your parents about costs.
Saying, “I could make it work”, doesn’t sound like you are aware of how you would fund your OOS bill.

You can only receive $5500 per year in loans.

Talk to your parents about how they will fund $55,000 per year at the UC’s.