<p>I am a New Zealand undergraduate student majoring in history and planning on going on an exchange to USA next year. My university has partner universities including: </p>
<p>American University (Washington, DC)
Georgia Institute of Technology (Atlanta, GA)
University of Texas at Austin
Texas A&M (College Station, TX)
University of Oklahoma (Norman, OK)
University of California (Los Angeles, Santa Barbara, Berkeley & San Diego) (If I pick University of California I have to pick 3 campuses in order of what one I would like to go to more, so if you think this university is in the top three also suggest top 3 in order of cities mentioned </p>
<p>So basically I have to pick three Universities in order of preference! I'm not too concerned with university rankings etc. What I'm more interested in is out of the universities listed what three, in order, would give me the best college experience (sorta like in the movies/tv shows etc) but also what three would be the best location for weekend road trips and short holidays for spring break etc. Also I would like a place that has nice weather and safe etc. I will be under 21 and although I'm not wanting to drink I would definitely like a place that has good parties/nightlife for people under 21 as the legal age here is 18 and have been used to that kinda thing for a while!</p>
<p>Thanks! </p>