<p>I know I said when you're accepted and there is a reason behind it. My reason is...now is not the time to be negative, be postive.</p>
<p>When I am accepted to Chatham I am going to call all my friends and family to tell them the good news, Then i am going to make a list of the books,CDs' and notebooks I am going to bring, Then after a week or two I'll go shopping for things I'll need and finally dream about all the new friends I'm going to make and where I'll buy my white dress for graduation.</p>
<p>If I get into the ones that are more selective (exeter, andover), or get really good financial aid at any of them (which would be the best thing ever), I’ll sit in shock for a while…then ill scream…then ill hug all the air out of my dog…then ill call my parents…then ill throw out the hw for that night…then ill go on cc…then ill worrry about whether my friend got in, which will be just as bad as waiting to see if i did (ill check fb, to see if she messaged me)…then ill listen to a podcast and look at dorm furniture online…then iill stay up really late looking on cc, listening to podcasts, and reading all i can about the schools i got into…then ill collapse of happiness and exhaustion and sleep…then ill go to school the next day, feeling both elated and awful that ill be leaving these ppl soon, and that they cant all come with me…im not gonna plan anymore cuz this probly wont happen <em>prepares for the worst</em></p>
<p>You’re right, innerstar. We should all stay positive! Although I started freaking when I got that email from Choate saying that decisions would be posted online, haha.</p>
<p>Hmm…if I’m accepted, I’ll blubber a lot. ASDFJKJL; a LOT. Wait a second, I think I wrote about what I’d do on a different thread. Serious deja vu, haha. Anyway, and then I’d burn all my old school’s textbooks. >D And stay up on CC alllll night congratulating everyone! And get a horrid horrid case of senioritis-ishness and never pay attention in class again, bwuahaha.</p>
<p>second tuesday completely. it’s like she stole my plan straight out of my head :p. If I get in then screw school lol</p>
<p>that’s cuz i’m in your head, blue…>8) and haha, yeah. CUZ WE’RE GOING TO ______! i hope.</p>
<p>One thing I don’t get is how in books when people can mindread nobody freaks. I literally can’t think of anything worse than someone violating the santuary of my mind. I"d rather lose several fingers. Seriously I would.</p>
<p>i’d rather loose my whole hand…</p>
<p>me too! I’d almost rather die but i think I’d choose the mindreading. Mabye. Depends on the person. I’m glad you get it everyone else looks at me like i’m mad and it’s no big deal.</p>
<p>bookworm, your plan sounds great to me…but what do we do if we down <em>cries with a sense of deja vu, gazing into the disctance</em></p>
<p>Learn how to spell Accepted ;)</p>
<p>blue, it was probably a typo. xD</p>
<p>also! FIRST EVER IPAD COMMERCIAL! why i’m so excited about that, i have no idea, haha</p>
<p>IM gonna go youtube it!!!ssrs</p>
<p>Back to the original topic. 
If I’m accepted, I don’t know how I’ll react. Hopefully I’ll get to find out. :D</p>
<p>I’ll be so happy if I get accepted. I’ll just sit there and stare at it. Then I’ll come on here and freak out. Then I’ll text and facebook message my bff who’s in Mexico. Then I’ll read the schools viewbook 50 times and start planning revist days. I won’t even think about homework.</p>
<p>be happy…then sleep.
I seriously need it.</p>
<p>or probably on at CC and Myspace :)</p>
<p>I’ll call my best friend. Then I’ll have to go to karate, since I’ve missed a ton and if I don’t I likely won’t get my blue belt this upcoming testing. <em>sigh</em> Then I’ll come home and freak out on CC. Then I’ll dance around to happy music. Actually, I think I’ll do those at the same time. Then I’ll look at my homework, think about doing it, then blow it off completely. Then I shall take a shower (using my favorite body wash that I save for only the most special of occasions) and fall asleep soundly. Then I’ll wake up at 1 am and do my homework anyway because I’m obsessive compulsive like that.</p>
<p>i’ll just smile for 5 weeks straight-- Day 'n Nite- Kid Cudi</p>
<p>Hmmm, I’ve been preparing myself for rejection but might as well think of the good stuff! I would first cry hysterically, then call my sister and father. I would also have to break the news to my friends, whom I haven’t told yet. Then I would celebrate a bit by eating something, and update my status on Facebook or whatever. Victory music should probably be playing in the background also. I suppose all I can do afterwards is study for my biology test the next day and go to ballet and do my homework that I didn’t bother to do in all the excitement and finally go to bed really late.</p>
<p>I’m sort of nervous because I don’t know how I’ll be notified first (for Exeter). If I put my parents’ email on the app, I don’t want them to get an acceptance/rejection notification before I do! I don’t want to check my email and see nothing there!</p>