My son has to cancel his AP Computer Science A class for 2016 school year since this is only offered during the same period as AP Calc BC.
He would really like to major in computer science in college and was looking forward to taking the Computer Science class. Does anyone have any recommendations to the best online program in helping prepare for the AP test? Or to make sure your prepared to start college even?
What programming has he done so far?
he has done absolutely no programming. total beginner.
That is why he needs to take a course to get at least the basics down before college
I always wonder how someone decides they want to major in computer science if they have never tried it. People seem to have a wide range of native abilities in CS, not always directly correlated with math or other academic abilities. But, anyhow… I agree that it would be a good idea for him to learn the basics before college.
There are a lot of online places to learn the basics of programming. I would recommend starting with Python as a learning language before Java. Java is a reasonable 2nd language and is the language used in the AP Comp Science test. Good places to do online learning for programming include:
Here’s a useful article:
There are MOOCs that offer introductory coding classes. Try, Coursera, edX, Khan Academy, or Udacity
My son did two online Python classes and one Java class through Art of Problem Solving back when he wanted to start text-based programming. These are classes that run at a specific time, rather than at your own pace like the ones above. The intro to Python class is here:
Your local community college may also have a suitable class.
My son is thinking computer science after last summer he built his own computer.
Now, that isn’t computer programming at all, but it made him interested enough to look into it.
Most kids really have no idea when it comes to majors. They know general things like “I like building things and math, so engineering could be a good major for me”. Or some just look at salaries certain majors can make. Others are simply pushed by parents.
Myself, I just think my sons should try different things until they find that area that really excited them. Hence why I told him he really needs to take a class to see.
The best website you can go on is the Amplify MOOC. It is completely free and functions like an online class with real teacher feedback. Unlike the other MOOCs, Amplify is geared toward high schoolers. It goes over everything you need for the exam and goes on a schedule you would typically find in an in-class course. It doesn’t start untill August, but you can pre-register.
Florida Virtual School’s APCS course is put together quite well. I would highly recommend it.
Thank you.
My son was able to get our school pay for his online class.