What would my chances at Purdue be with e 3.6 overall and a 3.95 junior year W

Gender: Male
State: VA
UW Cumulative GPA: 3.4
W Cumlative GPA: 3.6
SAT: (taking soon aiming for 1300)
**Major: Aeronotics/Aviation
GPA by year and extra crits.
Freshmen 3.2W - Track/XC
Softmore 3.6W
Junior (on track): 3.95W - Science National Honor society & Enviormenta club pres.

Classes taken:
9th - 2 honors
10th - 2 honors
11th - 2 AP 2 Honors
12th - 3AP 1-2 honors (expected)
*Note while our schools average gpa is a 3.8 they only offer us 1 AP sofmore year *

Can somone let me know my chances?

Probably decent if your SAT comes in around 1400. The 1300 average includes a lot of in-state students who will receive admission preference.

Look at the Data Digest, https://www.purdue.edu/datadigest/; it may give you a historical perspective on how you compare to other applicants for the college to which you are applying.

Also, Purdue’s Common Data Set, see https://www.purdue.edu/oirae/resources.html, can provide statistical information at Part C that may be useful in helping you gauge your chances. It will also tell you, under Part C7, what factors are “very important,” “important,” “considered,” and “not considered” in admissions decisions.

I hope that your spelling in your application essays is better than what we are seeing here, or your GPA and test scores may be irrelevant.