<p>SO? I probably will get rejected from RSI...laugh, go ahead...what happens to me has no effect on you.</p>
<p>I didn't mean for it to be demeaning or "twisting." sorry.</p>
<p>SO? I probably will get rejected from RSI...laugh, go ahead...what happens to me has no effect on you.</p>
<p>I didn't mean for it to be demeaning or "twisting." sorry.</p>
<p>hey spyder, quick question for you, are you by any chance of east indian ethnicity?</p>
<p>ok my bad, i over reacted there, to be honest i probably do sound like a jerk most of the time. dont say you wont get in, you have to have confidence in yourself, people say if you dont expect much you'll never be disappointed, but thats a horrible way to live your life.</p>
<p>i dont know what indian ethnicity i am, my mom is from bombay and my dad lived in hoshiarpur (sp?)</p>
<p>it's cool...:cool:</p>
<p>Yeah...the only thing that would probably go against you is whether they have somesort of "quota" for Rickoids.....</p>
<p>otherwise, great chance.</p>
<p>haha i guessed right. us indians (yes i too am also indian) constitute to like 99% of the people who come to cc, its pretty funny. but anyways, best of luck with harvard bro, hope you get in and represent all us browns. holla</p>
<p>ohhh, by east indian you meant india indian</p>
<p>If a guy buys a Mercedes-Benz, people don't go up to him and say "Why'd you buy the Mercedes? Why don't you buy a hyundai?" because the answer is obvious. The Mercedes-Benz is a kick ass vehicle. Likewise Harvard is a kick ass university.</p>
<p>analogy hall of fame...</p>
<p>This is spydertennis's thread...not yours or mine.....</p>
<p>I didn't mean for you to get angry.</p>
<p>Sorry. I'll never ask you again.</p>
<p>"Sorry. I'll never ask you again."</p>
<p>Thank you. And that goes for everyone else too, don't ask me that question. I wasn't really that angry at you sr6622, it was anger at like 15 other people as well. I have a very bad temper, so I apologize for flying off the handle and hijacking syper's thread. Then again, if I hadn't, I would've probably burst a blood vessel, lol.</p>
<p>"'If a guy buys a Mercedes-Benz, people don't go up to him and say "Why'd you buy the Mercedes? Why don't you buy a hyundai?" because the answer is obvious. The Mercedes-Benz is a kick ass vehicle. Likewise Harvard is a kick ass university.'</p>
<p>analogy hall of fame..."</p>
<p>Lol, glad you liked it. It's pretty much my favorite analogy.</p>
<p>I really have to stay off this thread....I just cause conflict....</p>
<p>lol, cc kids are HIL-AR-IOUS (said in the voice of dave chapelle)</p>
<p>This is a competitive world. Harvard is a competitive university. Some get in, most don't. That's life.</p>
<p>goldfish: well put</p>
<p>Yeah, some people will work their asses off in small and congested labs at MIT and then end up being doctors that spend their whole life in a freakin' hospital for semi-decent pay. </p>
<p>While, some people will get into Harvard and major in business, be able to do minimal work and still do great in college due to grade inflation, and eventually become rich a$$es because they have the harvard "brand name" that goes with them everywhere they might travel.</p>
<p>Thats life.</p>
<p>btw spyder, why did you make a new account.</p>
<p>and evil asian: no, it probably took them tremendous work to get there in the first place.</p>
<p>Does there have to be a specific reason to every action in life Joe???</p>
<p>you must have read the works of existentialists evil asian dictator, you seem more knowledgeable than most. either that or you're simply enlightened at a young age</p>
<p>As one who is at a state university right now for highschool credit, the interest in learning is pretty bad. Not that the capacity isn't there, I'm sure that there are plenty of bright people. The problem is that they aren't interested in being smart, "thats not cool"</p>
<p>How dulling is it to a craving for knowledge when the entire classroom sits there and mentally screams for the "know it all" to stop asking questions so we can go home early.</p>
<p>lol you know why i made a new account</p>