What's a good southern business-focused school?

<p>Hello everybody, Bentley looks phenomenal for what I want, however I HATE the cold (i live in CT now) and would love to look at business-focused colleges a little bit more southern (virginia? north carolina?). Do you have any suggestions? Haha, please don't suggest a Duke or Vandy, I'm not sure I'm of that caliber, but rather a good school.</p>


<p>What about UVA? I think they have a good undergrad business program.</p>

<p>Washington and Lee has a tremendous buisness program. W&L is a small school (2100) in Lexington, Va, and many of the people that atend I believe 400-500 attend for the Williams School (business, commerce, politics). W&L is a top-ranked LAC, SmartMoney just rated it #1 LAC for return on investment and income 5 years after graduation. </p>

<p>University of South Carolina has a really good international business program, however, if you were to attend Int’l Bus. and wanted to transfer there are not as many good programs. </p>

<p>Emory has a really good program along with vandy but I do not know as much about those schools as W&L or USC.</p>



<p>OOS students at U Virginia and U North Carolina are statistically of the caliber of students at Duke and Vanderbilt and Emory. And W&L is not far behind.</p>

<p>Can you give us a little more info on what you liked about Bentley and what you are thinking about in terms of career and/or post-graduate area to live? Also, what are you looking for outside of the classroom and what size of university do you find appealing?</p>

<p>[UMD-College</a> Park](<a href=“http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/]UMD-College”>http://www.rhsmith.umd.edu/)
[University</a> of Georgia](<a href=“http://www.terry.uga.edu/]University”>http://www.terry.uga.edu/)
[Georgia</a> Tech](<a href=“http://mgt.gatech.edu/]Georgia”>http://mgt.gatech.edu/)
[University</a> of Florida](<a href=“http://www.cba.ufl.edu/]University”>http://www.cba.ufl.edu/)
[Florida</a> State](<a href=“http://www.cob.fsu.edu/]Florida”>http://www.cob.fsu.edu/)</p>

<p>[Wake</a> Forest](<a href=“Wake Forest University School of Business”>http://calloway.wfu.edu/) would be great if you’re looking for smaller schools. Possibly [U</a> Richmond](<a href=“Robins School of Business - University of Richmond”>http://business.richmond.edu/) as well.</p>

<p>Both Tulane and U of Miami have excellent business schools.</p>

<p>Might consider Rollins if a small LAC is of interest…pretty respected business program.</p>

<p>How About SMU</p>

<p>SMU Cox is a pretty good business school. I personally think that UT McCombs is better, but it’s going to be considerably harder to get into there than SMU Cox. My two main complaints with SMU: While the school is very prestigious in the D/FW Metroplex, the school’s prestige isn’t that great elsewhere, even in Tx (Houston, Austin, San Antonio) & SMU’s culture, from what I’ve heard, is very cliquish and hierarchial.</p>

<p>I second Rollins…most similar southern school to Bentley.</p>

<p>Here’s another vote for the high caliber undergraduate business programs at Washington and Lee University and at the U of South Carolina-Columbia.</p>