<p>Just curious...this is my first Friday night in UC Berkeley xD I'm OOS and I still don't know that many people at all, so I'm just staying in my dorm, window open so I can hear the nice Campanile, and doing some light studying and getting all my syllabi organized.</p>
<p>How about you?</p>
<p>nothing, i’m bored. my roommate went home, and i’m trying to study or do homework…sigh. maybe i should have gone home…</p>
<p>Going to a frat party. I too dont know many people yet. Lemoncat, if you ever want to grab lunch or dinner with someone at a dining hall, just pm me and I’ll give you my contact info.</p>
<p>freshmen usually go out to the frats. that or do some bonding with their floor to try and meet new people. be adventurous and put yourself out there! have fun and enjoy meeting some cool cats :)</p>
<p>haha. im far from a freshman and yes, i know frat parties are lam after frosh year, but im going to 4 frat parties tonight. i mean, you can go to bars/club any time later in life but you can only go to frat parties the 4 years you are in college.</p>
<p>once the school year starts, then my friends might be more willing to go to bars where there actually are cover charges and we have to physically pay for our alcohol. lol</p>
<p>The ideal thing you could’ve done is in your first days of classes, immediately introduce yourself to as many people as possible and get their contacts and call them and go out on a night like this with a small group. It could be a random adventure walking around the campus or going to a grocery store to buy microwaveable foods, etc.</p>
<p>But yeah, organizing your syllabi is actually not a bad way to spend a friday night. =)</p>
<p>I was OOS too, and I remember my first week at Cal I just spent trying to make lots of friends within my floormates. A lot of them were from the bay area, so they had friends from HS they introduced me to, and before I knew it the majority of my friend were from the bay area haha.
And even though I’m a junior now, I’m planning on going to a frat party as well xD Need to get my semester’s worth in this weekend, and then I’m set for the next month…</p>
<p>Gosh I only went to frat parties when I <em>wasn’t</em> in college lol. I think I’m too old for that now
how do you meet people when you’re a transfer living alone in an apartment?</p>