Whats Minumum Sat Score For Ucberkeley?

<p>REally, there is no objective answer to this question. Yes, if you're in state and are low income or are an URM, then that may be the case. But it all of course depends on your ECs and how your profile relates the the composition of the rest of the applicants.</p>


<p>what the hell, i dont want 2 different answers, so is better if i get good sat scores or what? do i have to score super high on sat 2? which is more crucial? sat 1, or 2?</p>

<p>In reality (and the CC world), both.</p>

<p>But you can always hope and pray (like me).</p>

<p>Is your 1900 OK? Probably not, but then you haven't told us about yourself. What's your GPA? What ECs do you have? </p>

<p>What would be a good SAT Score? 2100+ Composite if Possible.
A Good ACT Composite Score? 30+ would be good.
Good SAT II Scores? 700+ on Each Test.</p>

<p>The minimum, well that can be low, if you are (1) a recruited athlete or (2) of low socioeconomic standing with mitigating circumstances. If not, try to get the above scores.</p>

<p>Major is also very important becasue it decides which of the smaller Colleges at Berkeley, your application will go up against. </p>

<p>If you want to major in Engineering, I can tell you there isn't a snowball's chance in H***, you'll get in with a 1900. However, if you apply to CNR, and its less popular majors such as Forestry, you could have a good shot to enter.</p>

<p>We can't even begin to assess your situation with any clarity without relevant information, because without one we are just beating on a straw man with a 1900 and no other relevant stats.</p>

<p>So, just go and post those stats.</p>

<p>whats an recruit athlete? varsity?
and is it required to take the ACT? and SAT? WHAT? thanks</p>