Whats More Attractive to B-Schools

<p>Rank these schools in attractiveness to B-Schools: Harvard, Yale, Princeton, UPenn (Wharton), Duke.</p>

<p>Here's the breakdown of 2004 Wharton MBA admits by undergraduate institution:</p>


1 University of Pennsylvania 50</p>

<h1>2 Harvard University 30</h1>

<h1>2 Princeton University 30</h1>

<h1>4 Cornell University 25</h1>

<h1>4 Stanford University 25</h1>

<h1>6 Duke University 20</h1>

<h1>7 Columbia University 15</h1>

<h1>7 Dartmouth College 15</h1>

<h1>7 University of California-Berkeley 15</h1>

<h1>7 University of Michigan-Ann Arbor 15</h1>

<h1>7 University of Virginia 15</h1>

<h1>7 Yale University 15</h1>

<h1>13 Brown University 10</h1>

<h1>13 Georgetown University 10</h1>

<h1>13 Massachusetts Institute of Technology 10</h1>

<h1>13 University of California-Los Angeles 10</h1>

<h1>13 University of Chicago 10</h1>

<h1>18 Northwestern University 5</h1>

<h1>18 New York University 5</h1>

<h1>18 Penn State 5</h1>

<p>No other university contributed more than 4 students to Wharton's entering class of 850 students.


<p><a href="http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=14783%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/showthread.php?t=14783&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Do keep in mind, however, that Penn has (1) probably a disproportionate number of applicants and (2) a degree of "home court advantage". In any event, I hope that helps.</p>

<p>i am wary to believe that graph because it doesn;t take into account the percentage af people at those colleges who got into wharton. For example, at wharton, since there are so many majors it could have been 50/200, while ar princeton it could have been 30/90</p>

<p>also... does anyone else have any opinions?</p>

<p>going into this thread, i thought it would be easier for HYP students to get into business school (or a good job) than it would be for wharton students. so your saying im wrong?</p>

<p>well... heres my conclusion...they are all GREAT schools... i kinda feel stupid for posting this thread... dont base your schools on prestige.. go by feel!!!!!!! so basically, i dont really care what you guys say.. cause no matter what people argue is better for MBAs/ jobs, im gonna apply go to the place where i think that i will have the best time as i spend 4 years of my life!!!!!!!!!</p>