What's my chance to get into Virginia Tech for engineering?

Because no one replied to my old post so I’m posting this again.
New SAT score: 1420
Math: 780
Reading&writting: 640
SAT subject math 2: 800
SAT subject physics: 800

Weighted GPA: 3.98
Unweighted GPA: 3.76

ENGLISH 9 (College Prep) B+
WH AND G I (College Prep) B-

A: biology, advanced band, marching band, precalculus honor, tech drawing
A-: chemistry honor, english 10, french 1

—junior—(Yeah I took 11 classes that year)
A/A+: AP calc AB, AP physics 1, Economic, health and PE, advanced band, marching band,
A-: advanced engineering honor, english 11, french 2
B+: US history
B: US government

AP physics 2, AP calculus BC, AP computer science A, AP statistics, advanced band, jazz band, english 12, french 3, marching band
I have guranteed A for all AP classes this year except statistics, and I have C in french right now(it will probably become B at the end of semester); other classes are likely to become A(-).

I’m Chinese and I lived in China for more than 10 years until I moved to US in the middle of 9th grade (but I am US citizen). It is extremely hard for me to catch up, but I think I (kind of ?) did it. I can speak Chinese very fluently and write without any trouble. Also I moved between west and east coast of America shortly after I came to US, which is the reason why I work my butt off but I still have some B and the classes I took kind of make no sense in chronological order.

I got 2 second prize and 2 third prize award in Chinese national airplane model competition in elementary school and I have done some material science research in James Madison University (this opportunity didn’t come from a high school program). I also got in district band in my junior year. My marching band got some descent awards including a 16th-ish place in a 3-state competition (WBA) when I was in it.

By the way because of my language problem I spend most of my effort in my regular classes than my AP and honor classes. (AP Calculus and AP physics is very easy for me because I learnt a lot of them in my freshman year on my own…)

And also will engineering school in VT give me a higher chance since I struggled so much from my language problem?

Your SAT seems to be above the 75th percentile for VTech. This also applies to your GPA. Your SAT Subject tests seem very interesting, as it seems like STEM related subject tests have very good scores (the double 800s and 780), which corresponds with VTech’s literal name, so that looks like an obvious plus.

Your race gives an ORM disadvantage, and I’m not sure if your immigration from China to US doesn’t help. From me personally, I think it will give you a slight advantage, but I don’t take my word for that. Learning AP calc and phys on your own from freshman is also very impressive. What’s not impressive is district band, what chair? You need at least regionals to make that an achievement mate, but good job anyways.

Overall, I think you’re good for this :slight_smile:

Just wondering, are you a VA Resident?
If yes, is it NoVA lmao

@Bohseon I’m VA resident but I’m pretty sure I’m below VT average GPA(4.13) for engineering school.