What's the deal with UW doctors signing fake sick note excuses at the protest?

<p>Doctor</a> notes provided for teachers | Wisconsin | onPolitix</p>

<p>Photos of doctors advertising notes for teachers:
<a href="http://i54.tinypic.com/2rzdqhh.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://i54.tinypic.com/2rzdqhh.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5255/5459435627_3f8c3cddea.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://farm6.static.flickr.com/5255/5459435627_3f8c3cddea.jpg&lt;/a>
<a href="http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/medical-sign-madison-protest.jpg%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.frugal-cafe.com/public_html/frugal-blog/frugal-cafe-blogzone/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/medical-sign-madison-protest.jpg&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>At least 3 UW doctors have been identified. There are many reports of complaints having been filed with the State Licensing Board and the Wisconsin AG.</p>

<p>Sure, good luck with that.</p>

<p>CC froze the politics forum last fall and has deleted a couple of recent threads discussing the situation in Wisconsin. Why don’t we voluntarily start limiting posts to things that affect the university and students. There are plenty of forums on the internet designed to be for political discussion and argument.</p>

<p>I agree with ^^</p>

<p>This is a forum for current/prospective students and parents who are interested in UW-Madison as a school. </p>

<p>Stop trying to incite something</p>

<p>How is the damage those doctors are doing to UW’s reputation not relevant? This really has the potential to blow up in UW’s face. Perhaps Biddy should get on top of this?</p>

<p>Doctors shouldn’t abuse their power. Regardless of whether you call it a protest (liberals) or a strike (conservatives), teachers, TAs and professors are choosing not to work. There are rules of engagement when unions and districts clash. Teachers shouldn’t expect to get paid for being at the capitol, just like the school district can’t hold back pay for the teachers who arrived when schools shut down.</p>

<p>I don’t see why others are resisting this topic. It’s not right, and it has nothing to do with politics.</p>

<p>Jiff… no damage done except to YOUR reputation with your posts. You don’t live in WI so leave Wis politics alone. Stop attempting to make mountains out of anthills.</p>

<p>And this goes way beyond UW’s reputation, too. When people confuse their fiduciary duties with their political agenda, things go awry fast. That applies whether you’re a governor or a doctor.</p>

<p>Au contraire, wis75. I pay Wisconsin property taxes to a Wisconsin school district those teachers and UW doctors are lying to to defraud the local government out of pay for “sick” days. So, now, when the schools have to lengthen the school year to make up for the missed protest, I mean fake sick days, do the teachers then get paid for those extra days, as well? If so, more fraud.</p>

<p>JiffsMom: here’s a site that I think you will enjoy (it’s very addicting!): Yahoo Answers > Politics [Answer</a> | Open Politics & Government Questions – Yahoo! Answers](<a href=“Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos”>Yahoo | Mail, Weather, Search, Politics, News, Finance, Sports & Videos)</p>

<p>Please take your directionless political argument to a place that actually wants it. This forum is for people who want to discuss UW Madison as a school. Stop taking up all the space with your useless political ramblings. </p>

<p>And by the way, Walker’s plan to deprive workers of their collective bargaining rights and refusal to compromise or even listen to his constituents do way more to hurt Wisconsin’s reputation than these doctors. You tell me what’s worse: a governor who is only interested in helping big business or doctors who are putting their jobs on the line to help Wisconsin workers keep their rights?</p>

<p>jenny1penny, at least 3 of the doctors signing those fake sick notes are UW doctors. This is about UW’s reputation and integrity as an institution. UW is either ethical, or not. UW doctors either have an ethical standard, or they do not. Considering the hundreds if not thousands of acts of fraud those UW doctors committed, it appears UW and its doctors are not ethical.</p>

<p>Those UW doctors’ names and license numbers, and in many cases their UW web pages, have been spread to news conduits all over the country via photos of the fake notes several have obtained in an effort to document the extent of the fraud. UW really should address this.</p>

<p>If anything, these doctors makes me want to go to UW Madison even more. </p>

<p>They are putting their jobs on the line for people they don’t know, to support a cause that will protect the rights of the common man.</p>

<p>Jiffs is totally off base. Three doctors don’t represent an “institution.”
It’s too bad because it makes the issue seem groundless when it’s quite serious.</p>

<p>The governor offered tax deductions for businesses who created jobs and funded these tax breaks by cutting state worker benefits and breaking up unions. Whether you support that or not, the governor didn’t cross any lines (except maybe by trying to ram the bill through). He had a duty to balance the budget and he did it in a very conservative manner.</p>

<p>Doctors, on the other hand, do not have the right to forge sick notes to help protesters. This isn’t about any rights of the common man. It’s politically charged doctors supporting unions by breaking their duties.</p>

<p>Good luck with that. This hospitalist (look it up) briefly touches on several of the problems those UW doctors’ fraudulent acts pose for UW:
[Pundit</a> Press: University of Wisconsin, Department of Family Medicine is not Responsible? (Updated with Video)](<a href=“http://punditpress.blogspot.com/2011/02/university-of-wisconsin-department-of.html]Pundit”>Pundit Press: University of Wisconsin, Department of Family Medicine is not Responsible? (Updated with Video))</p>

<p>That’s just the tip of the iceberg. There are doctors posting similar commentary all over the internet.</p>

<p>The governor is not even willing to compromise. We cannot always have our way and that is why we have compromise in the first place. We all know that there is a budget that needs to be balanced, and people are willing to sacrifice in order to help. But that does not give the governor the right to take away worker’s collective bargaining rights.
If the only way for the governor to hear what his constituents are trying to tell him then so be it.
Unconventional participation in politics do cross the line. The Civil Rights protests resulted in hundreds of arrests, but it achieved its purpose didn’t it? When the government refuses to give its people their rights, then they have to take action.
These doctors know they are going to get into trouble, but they are willing to fight for a cause. Who are you to judge them?
As for UW-Madison, it’s a prestigous school. I doubt this would ever be the deciding factor between a student deciding yes or no on whether to go there. </p>

<p>Jiff’sMom: an anonymous blogger is hardly a good source</p>

<p>^I rightfully judge them because they are protesting at taxpayer’s expense. Teacher who choose not to work do not deserve pay; at the very least, it should be the school district’s choice whether to pay them, not a doctor’s. </p>

<p>Their job is to help patients. It’s a disgrace to their profession to disregard their duties; some professions don’t mesh well with civil disobedience. When they are doctors they should assume the obligations of a doctor. When they are activists, they should be activists. You can’t abuse your powers by calling yourself a doctor while shirking your obligations by simultaneously calling yourself an activist.</p>

<p>I’m not judging them; they did what they believed needed to be done. The problem lies in the negative consequences UW will suffer because of their actions. </p>

<p>You may not want to believe what you read in that blog, but those points are valid. Look into those points some more to extinguish any doubts you may harbor, if you wish. </p>

<p>Those UW doctors might be facing several qui tam actions in the not so distant future.</p>

<p>I wish to add that another problem is the fraud UW doctors and the protesting teachers perpetrated (in collusion) against Wisconsin property tax payers like myself.</p>

<p>As a UW student and a Wisconsinite, I applaud the doctors decision to fight back against Governor Walker and his ‘budget repair’ bill.</p>

<p>It won’t hurt UW’s reputation in the slightest, if anything, it will help enhance the school’s reputation as a bastion of liberalism and progressivism, which is exactly what the University of Wisconsin should be.</p>

<p>Guess again. The whole country knows what those UW doctors did. The Atlantic has an article on it:
[Wisconsin’s</a> Real Doctors and Their Fake Sick Notes for Protesters - Ford Vox - National - The Atlantic](<a href=“Wisconsin's Real Doctors and Their Fake Sick Notes for Protesters - The Atlantic”>Wisconsin's Real Doctors and Their Fake Sick Notes for Protesters - The Atlantic)</p>

<p>Furthermore, the reaction to what the UW doctors did has been overwhelmingly bad.

[Excuse</a> notes from docs at protests draw scrutiny - CBS News](<a href=“http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/02/20/ap/national/main20034225.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody]Excuse”>http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2011/02/20/ap/national/main20034225.shtml?tag=contentMain;contentBody)</p>