What's the difference between an office transcript and non offical transcript?

<p>This week I went to my school records secretary to report an offical transcript to my future alumni and an offical transcript sent to my home. She informed me that I would not be able to open an offical transcript that reports to my house. After explaining to the records secretary I wanted a transcript just for reference etc... I just asked for any type of transcript that I can open which is a non offical transcript. So what is the difference of an offical transcript that can be sent to universities and just a typical transcipt that is viewable to the graduates? I don't understand any of it.</p>

<p>An official transcript comes in an envelope closed with the school’s seal over the flap. At our HS “Official Transcript” is stamped on the envelope and the seal says that it is not valid if the seal is broken.</p>

<p>That’s the only difference? Thanks.</p>

<p>Yes, that’s why:</p>



<p>If you open it, it’s no longer official and a college or any other entity requiring an official transcript wouldn’t accept it because it could have been tampered with.</p>

<p>Oh, I understand. Thanks.</p>