What's the most you've ever procrastinated on something?

<p>I've written English papers in the morning, an hour and a half before they were due. In fact, I procrastinate on almost everything. In a way, that makes every assignment an adventure, but it's probably really bad for my health.</p>

<p>In fact, right now I'm procrastinating on some Econ homework.</p>

<p>Anybody else have any procrastination stories?</p>

<p>When I choose to do work, it’s always procrastination.</p>

<p>It’s common for me to start the homework right when I step inside the classroom and sit down, using that extra 2 minutes leftover during passing period / teacher’s beginning quirks that boils down to about 5~7 minutes in the beginning to complete it.</p>

<p>I did my entire graduation project (that we had 3 months to do) the night before it was due…</p>

<p>…yeah, that was a fun night.</p>

<p>Hmmm, well, I do my Jesuit Spirituality journal entries a few minutes before the class starts, and I’ve read tons of books start to finish the morning that they’re due,</p>

<p>Oh sweet. I’m a huge procrastinator. haha</p>

<p>The worst I’ve done is probably when I waited to start a 12 page term paper for my dual enrollment history class about 13 hours before it was due… that was fun. </p>

<p>But it all worked out because I got an ‘A’.</p>

<p>Lol, surely it counts if you just don’t do the project, then… convince… your teacher to let you turn it in the NEXT day? Even though you’ve known about the project for months? Haha. That’s like, the ultimate procrastination, since it pushes you past the deadline :]</p>

<p>whenever i leave stuff to the last minute (especially papers), I always do poorly…</p>

<p>In the past, I have just abstained to do any work.</p>


<p>…never once studied for my AP chem nor my AP English, nor my AP World. Huge slacker I was, but now I studied for my SAT I and my upcoming SAT IIs.</p>

<p>Reading stupid crap for history and Englishhhhh. Still not started and its due tomorrow morning…:l</p>

<p>writing essays during lunch half an hour before they were due. </p>

<p>writing up labs in passing period 5 minutes before they were due.</p>

<p>leaving two projects assigned months before to the day before they were due (I managed to finish one, but the second was unfinished. got a 15/50 on it)</p>

<p>I used to stay up to do work. Now I just don’t do it, and then don’t press the snooze button twelve times so I have time to get everything I need (textbooks,handouts) in my bookbag to do during school.</p>

<p>I used to procrastinate EVERYTHING- I’m so proud that I’ve kicked that habit right up its cram-hole.</p>

<p>Really, I would do homework in the class before, or the time in between classes, that I had a week to do. Ridiculous. Now I write down every assignment and do it every night, promptly and easily. And you know what I have to show for it?
A 101 in Algebra I, a 100 in Spanish, and a 98 in bio honors. I don’t know about my other classes though, haha.</p>

<p>But the worst? We had a newspaper project due, and I was the only person in my group to do work- the computer crashed with ALL our work, and I did it the next and morning before. :)</p>

<p>I did my science fair project the day before it was due–and subsequently won the school and county science fair. I did my “freshman [research] project” the morning it was due although we had 8 months to do it. I was chosen to present it at a college as the representative of what a freshman project should be. </p>

<p>LOL I completely missed a calculus quiz last grading period (I just forgot to do it, literally) and I had to bed my teacher to let me make it up.</p>

<p>I have English II (H) period… let’s just say that if I didn’t have online classes 1st period, I would never get anything done.</p>

<p>self study for us gov’t…waited the night before.</p>


Oh, that doesn’t sound, in any sense of the word and definition of any aspect of its existence can be construed, really proper…;)</p>

<p>I procrastinate for everything.</p>

<p>Like recently, I had a science research project for Bio that we got 8 weeks to complete. I started the day before it was due… :D</p>

<p>Yea whole trimester project. I used like 5 late passes on it. and then did it in like 2 hours the night before i couldn’t stall anymore. turned it in like 6 days after the due date.</p>

<p>I often wrote papers for my CIS (college-in-the-schools) English class the hour before they were due. Right now I’m working on a philosophy paper that was due last Wednesday, but it doesn’t really matter that it’s late, my professor lets you turn in papers within a week of the due date and all that happens is that you can’t rewrite it (which is fine because I’ve gotten all As on my papers so far). So yeah. 20th best college in the country my butt, lol.</p>



<p>Major props to you. At that point, I would’ve just said screw it if it didn’t cost $84.</p>

<p>Hmmm, the most I’ve procrastinated on something was probably my AP World term paper last year (mind you this was a 12 page paper). Started the night before but got an A+ anyway :)</p>