What's the point of college or high school?

So I’m applying to colleges as a senior and I feel like education is useless. In high school, we don’t learn anything, even in AP or IB classes and from my experience taking some college classes I didn’t learn much either.
I feel like I could learn more from the time spent doing busy work and learning useless stuff and when I looked at the majors for colleges, none of them interested me. So what’s the point of the grind? Everyone says a diploma but a diploma feels useless too. I don’t want to do busy work and boring stuff for the rest of my life. Help!

It might take some real effort on your part to find a place where you can get a meaningful education.

Think back…what have you EVER done that had value or was productive.

Maybe you should take a gap year and figure out what kind of work you want to do in the long run. I assume your parents cover all your needs now. Unless you have a trust fund, that won’t always be ge case.

Of course there are many ways to earn a living without a college degree. But statistically you won’t earn as much. For a lot of jobs, what you learn in college is important to doing the job. Hopefully all students also improve their written, verbal, and analysts skills in college, which are also generally valued by employers.

You don’t sound mature enough to me to get a lot out of college right now.

@intparent What’s the best thing I can get out of college other than an education?

Memories, life long friends, perhaps your spouse, lots of things.

College is a lot of fun and because of where I went it is said you never really graduate. I agree with the that.

The social skills you develop are also very important.

The point of it all is to put a roof over your head and food on your table – without living forever under your parents’ roof and sitting at their table. Statistics show that for the most part, people have better jobs and make more money with a high school diploma and college degree.

If you want to pursue other options for survival, then there are plenty out there. You can learn to program on your own and develop a tech-based business. You can join the military. You can pursue a trade like plumbing or being a mechanic or construction worker or cook.

Whatever path you pursue, try to pursue it with seriousness, engagement and a desire to be among the best. That will provide you with the best outcomes. And know that if you don’t start the path with a college degree, you are likely to start it at a lower pay, less knowledge, fewer skills and potentially less respect, so your uphill battle will be a steeper climb. It can be done though.

I have multiple college degrees, and have worked for more than one person who did not have a college degree. They were making the big bucks as owners of the business, and I was just a salaried employee. They worked very hard though, were always self-sufficient from a young age taking whatever jobs it took to support themselves rather than living with parents. They also self-studied a lot to learn the skills and knowledge on their own that they could have gotten through a college degree, and they took big risks to start and run a business.

If the types of things you are learning in high school seem boring and useless to you, consider at least that the reading, writing and basic math skills can pay off for you no matter what path you pursue. Find what it is that does not bore you, and that gets you excited to learn. If nothing excites you, then the issue is not the subject matter, but likely depression, and you should start by resolving that first, and then make decisions about your future.

@mommyrocks I think the reason I don’t really care about a diploma is because I’ve become a nihilist for some reason. I have this romantic idea of survival being insignificant and that being forgotten seems so unappealing.

Sounds like you need to get out from under your parent’s roof and pocketbook, and see how that nihilist life feels when no one else will pay for food, shelter, transportation, health care, vacations, or the fancy phone or laptop you are likely typing on. I don’t think you started this thread because you really want an answer to your question. You just want to show off that you don’t care without actually taking the risk of striking out in your own. I say go forth. Come back after a couple years of living on your own. Or maybe you could enlist… the armed forces will feed and house you.

@intparent that’s partly my reason of posting this thread. Another is that I hoped that someone could help me solve this nihilist problem that I somehow got after reading a book.

Nihilism can be an important phase in life, but you are likely to evolve out of it. So, just hang in there but try not to cut off any future options.

Volunteer, with parental approval, at a place that serves meals to the homeless. Watch the romanticism of being forgotten disappear before your very eyes.

We all have those feelings sometimes, wondering what’s the point. My children have expressed similar feelings at times as well. There is nothing wrong with searching for meaning in what you do, in fact I think it is healthy. This forum is full of people with a hyper-competitive worldview. It doesn’t have to be yours. Find what brings meaning to your life, and don’t expect that it will be fast or easy to find…but it’s out there.

“this nihilist problem that I somehow got after reading a book” (8)

The last book read is often the most influential. Read more books until you find themes that serve you better.

OP, It gives you needed credentials to enter the workplace.

To put it bluntly, unless you have a very good connection that enables you to have the door open for you to gain work experience via intern and your first job in the field you are interested in, you had better take advantage of every opportunity to boost your credential that you have control. No employer would give you this opportunity to learn if you do not have the credentials but many others have. So, stay at the school when you are young (but for most people, there is no need to over-educate yourself because by over-doing it – there is a name for it: a professional student almost for life, you may be fairly or unfairly labeled as over-qualified or “academic” – meaning out of touch.)

ScaredNJDad gave you better advices than I did. I realize this after I have read post #4.

A college degree is a credential that will be important to you throughout your career. It doesn’t just help you get your first job. In many career fields, it’s necessary for every job you’ll ever apply for.

At the company where I work, you can’t even get a position as an administrative assistant or research assistant without a bachelor’s degree.

Hmm- you’re learning nothing in HS? This must mean you already know it all. You must be getting perfect scores on everything without spending any time on it. What you are doing in your HS classes is building a knowledge base and learning critical thinking skills. You are learning how to survive and even succeed in the society you live in. You are learning social skills. btw- HS classes and many colleges do not cater to elite students. You are hopefully applying to schools in line with your abilities. Your state flagship will surprise you with the caliber of thinking students- if only in the honors sections.

Something to consider. No matter how intelligent you are, how high your HS gpa is or how many classes you have done well in you are not qualified for most jobs that pay a decent wage. Look at what is available to those who have only a HS diploma. Minimum wage jobs usually. Employers will not give you better pay based on how well you did in HS. They need to train you to sweep their floors, stock their shelves, run the cash register, cook those burgers and fries…

Consider where you want to be in five and ten years. Most people want some job satisfaction. With your current lack of skills will you be happy?

Okay, so you go to college, even post bachelor’s studies. You get degrees and a job. Once you are working awhile you will be competent and even the most challenging work can become routine and boring. It takes years to become a physician. After training and being in practice you would find what seemed novel or challenging routine because you’ve done it hundreds/thousands of times. Likewise for so many other occupations. You keep working in any field because of the people, the money, you don’t want to start over in some other field…

The realities of life. You go to college for yourself. Because you want to know more and challenge your brain. Sure, some do not go to college and set up some business where they make a good income. That would not suffice for me or many others. Along with making money (useful for basics and enjoyable activities) there is intellectual stimulation. For many top students, aka those taking AP classes, a peer group is finally found in college. Finally you are with others of your ability (part of choosing your college) and interests. You get to indulge in fields not available in HS. You also get more required, sometimes boring classes. That’s life. No utopia. Many colleges are not suitable for elite/gifted students. You likely have not been able to take top level college courses (even if it is a top U I doubt you took the most challenging courses offered).

Cheer up. There are challenges out there.

At college you get to read Nietzsche. That will solve your nihilist problem inter alia. You can read Nietzsche on your own but it’s much more fun with company.

You might even get a Nietzsche tee shirt for your birthday.

Have you looked at the thousands of careers out there to narrow it down to some that you might like? There has to be something that makes you want to get up, get dressed, and run out of the house. At college you will find kindred spirits, see amazing places, and finally get to make your own decisions.

Everyone here would love to have another go at four years of college. Good Luck!

Not all of us want to revisit the college years. When I really think about it- a huge no to the hills of my campus (not young anymore), dorm life in some ways (although the thought of just going to a cafeteria instead of shopping, cooking and cleaning for meals is appealing), studying for and taking exams, writing papers. The labs, late night discussions, reading and other stuff- yes! Ages and stages.

Oh please. The OP’s other threads indicate he is interested in the Ivy League, and similar schools. If he thinks college is such a waste of time, perhaps he should be applying to schools in the $60,000 a year range…what a waste, right?

You know the value of a college education.

What is the point of this thread?