Point of going to college / life?

<p>All this stress on college...</p>

<p>What's the point?</p>

<p>To go to college, to get a job, buy a house, get married / have kids, live, and die..</p>

<p>What's the point?</p>

<p>Instead of going to college, take the thousands of dollars your parrents saved and travel the world.. LIVE. be different..</p>

<p>iono, im just thinking randomly..</p>

<p>There’s this radical thing called financial aid that could ensure that your parents don’t really need to save that money, you know :D</p>

<p>Also, do you really want to live on your parents all your life? If you don’t, then you have to EARN that money to travel the world. A job at KFC’s will only get that ‘living’ plan so far.</p>

<p>There is no point to life. That’s whats so tough. I try not to think about it but when I do I undergo extreme depression. Life is here, then its gone. It makes you want to do everything and nothing at once. Its short, so you have to live it up, but then its over and nothing else lies beyond, so you have nothing else to look forward to. </p>

<p>As for the point of getting married, I have NO idea where to start with that one :P</p>

<p>people go to college so that they have a chance at a career they want to pursue. if you want a career that doesnt require any type of higher education, then college shouldnt be bothered with. People get married, have kids, and all that stuff because lifes boring and its something to do</p>

<p>this is pretty depressing. but see, i’ve got a plan to make my life unboring. you should draft one to plan out your whole life too-toodles!</p>

<p>We get extremely educated so we can realize that life is completely pointless.
Then we are successful in a capitalistic society, and shortly thereafter, die.
Quite depressing, yet mildly enjoyable at the same time, IMO.</p>

<p>My parents aren’t spending a dime on my education, so I guess that me spending their money to travel would only get me as far as my feet could take me. </p>

<p>Trust me, it is hard to get by in today’s world without a college education. Yeah, everyone lives and dies but you need a job in order to get food and shelter in order to live. You could always go live in a Hippie Commune.</p>

<p>The point of going to college is so that we can get a good job. Then we can accumulate cars and mortgages and retirement accounts and most importantly college savings accounts so our kids can go to college and start the cycle all over again.</p>

<p>“My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?”</p>

<li>Charles Schulz</li>