What's the yield rate for Wharton undergrad?

just wondering


Doing the math from their website, the yield was around 77%. Take off maybe 2% as not all ED applicants end up attending, their yield is 75%~

@Jpgranier How did you do that calculation? I don’t think there is enough data out there to actually calculate this. One can only really guess i think, unless you found some data I have not seen.

My guess would be around 70-73%. 77% is way too high imo (Harvard is like 79%) and even 75% is probably a bit high given that MIT has a 74% yield rate. But these are only my estimates of course.

I would say the dual degree programs have yields in the 75%-80% range.

If the majority of class comes from ED, It is not surprise that they have a yield of 77% or higher.

@Penn95 (amount of ED students + total enrolled from RD)/(Amount of ED students + Total admitted RD) = 77%~

@Jpgranier I am just wondering where you found the actual number of Wharton students enrolled and admitted during RD and ED? How did you actually arrive at the 77% ?

@f2000sa but how do we know what it is? are there any actual data out there for this? Even with 55% of the lass taken ED, 77% end up being excessive I think.

@Penn95 look at the link in my first post.

Edit: Oh, looks like that is probably for Penn overall.

I’d expect Wharton undergrad would be higher than the school overall.

@Jpgranier Yeah the link is for the overall Penn yield rate which was 68% last year. Yeah I would expect Wharton to be a bit higher than the overall, but we do not really know by how much, there is no data available.