<p>i'm bored too</p>
<p>now im watching TV, but during hte day only little kids shows come on lik e"JoJo's Circus" lol</p>
<p>OMG i got locked out of the house from 4 til 5:45 and its lik e12 degrees and snowing!!!!</p>
<p>i almsot froze to death...</p>
<p>u people should feel priveledged that I am still here to talk to!</p>
<p>lmao, poor you :P</p>
<p>its not funny, it was aweful, and i dont kno any of my neighbors and i finally went over to ne f their houses which was like a 5 minute walk away through the woods and she was afraid of my dog (which i was walking when i got locked out) so ic oudlnt stay there and get warmed uop after i called my mom and it aws not good! So DONT LAUGH!!!</p>
<p>wow, you should have tried to crawl through a window or something lol</p>
<p>i did
hte only space to my house i could ge topen was 3 inces of a screen door to the kitchen and i could only fit my arm...</p>
<p>haha, well props to you for trying.</p>
<p>tomorrow is my last day of finals =)</p>
<p>enjoy, lol, it supposed to snow alot here this weekend so hopefully no school next mon or tues...</p>
<p>yay, i'm done. Physics was really easy. Lit was ok, it was two AP style essays. haha, guess what one of the prompts was on.....</p>
<p>an emily dickinson poem! lol. the poem was pretty dumb, about death as usual (what else does dickinson write on) and i BS'ed my way through it like always =)</p>
<p>snowed yet again in Chicago today, grr</p>
<p>i hate emily dickinson, i heard it was her and robert frost on the AP test last year so hopefully it weont be them this year although frost isnt usually too ahrd except this apple picking poem by him that we read which sucked! actually all poetry sucks!!! we had our pride and prejudice timed writing today, satire and 7:30 in the morning dont mix....</p>
<p>Just for the record.. although Emily Dickinson used the theme of death in a lot of her poems.. many addressed other topics.. Ex. "The Soul Selects Her Own Society"</p>
<p>i kno...but blech...and a heck of a lot of her poems are on deah</p>
<p>although we did "There is no Frigate like a book" which is not about death and which i liked cu z it was simple....</p>
<p>poetry, grr</p>
<p>Hi .</p>
<p>sup? lol....</p>
<p>Snow? Lots and lots of it.</p>
<p>we had snow but it stopped and were gonna have school on monday, its not fair</p>
<p>Yeah we'll have school monday too. The yale club of chicago was supposed to host a pizza party today but that got postponed till April, how lame. =(</p>
<p>Did you watch the first episode of the apprentice season 3? Is it just me, or does Erin look a LOT like Paris Hilton.</p>
<p>I finally got my confirmation from CMU. =)</p>