<p>Hey Z...what's up with all the bumps? You are making me dizzy..... :eek:</p>
<p>Well, we all wanted to return the board to a legitimate Q&A about USNA and leave the politics aside, right?</p>
<p>Now we can. :)</p>
<p>ETA: That is if CERTAIN PEOPLE don't keep resurrecting the bad ones! :rolleyes:</p>
<p>Holy Moley! Everything's topsy Turvy. Thanks a Lot, Z ;)</p>
<p>LOL!!!! Well, now that you are on such good behavior and all, they will all be good!!! :)</p>
<p>ps...(only kidding.....hope you are feeling better! And CC is so much nicer with you back!!!)</p>
<p>Awwww...... Stop that! :o</p>