<p>I'm just curious what everyone's doing or not doing...I just saw a wacky article saying you shouldn't wear red on test day. I've also heard good ones about eating eggs and/or peppermints.</p>
<p>I always made sure my pencils on test days were from my first choice college...I got in so I can vouch for that one!</p>
<p>Good luck on Saturday everyone!</p>
<p>I’m starting to keep feel like I might be getting sick
This better not be happening.</p>
<p>It’s my first time taking it. Any hints?</p>
<p>^^I’m sick too :(</p>
<p>I don’t really have a ritual since this is my first time taking. I know I’m going to wake up a bit earlier so I can get in a long shower. They help me relax and think. And if I’m still sick, it’ll make me feel better.</p>
<p>stress. Try to sleep but fail due to stress. Drive to test site hour early because of stress. Apprehensively wait an hour because of stress. Hit epic wall trying to devise essay examples because of stress.
ahhhhhhh. I’m screwed if I don’t break 2100</p>
<p>I like to eat fried eggs on test days because i think they taste good lol…
but I’ve been getting tired of them recently because I eat them too much </p>
<p>Oh, and I also tie my hair (which i usually never do) because it keeps me awake</p>
<p>Everyone and everything would always tell me to get a good night’s sleep before the test, but I never did that for one reason or another. I stayed up until past midnight on all of my SAT, ACT, and Subject test dates. I’m starting to think I function better with LESS sleep on tests…</p>
<p>I’m sick as well =</p>
<p>I eat pomegranate for breakfast, and I read the New York Times on my ipod while waiting for the testing doors to open to wake myself up.</p>
<p>Well, the last time, I took the SAT, after the writing section and a two more sections, all my pencils were unsharpened and there was no sharpener in the classroom. So, I plan to bring a whole pack full of pencils and a sharpener. Also, I may have to write darker since the scanned version of my last essay was difficult to read.</p>
<p>I always wear my favorite maroon sweatshirt from an organization that I was in. I’ve had it for five years. I’ve worn it to two Bio SAT IIs, one Lit SAT II, and will be wearing it again to my SAT on Saturday.</p>