when are grades due for this semester?

<p>When are grades due for spring semester?</p>

<p>Where do they post? in solar??? Where in solar?</p>

<p>They should be on blackboard, no? I don’t attend SBU, but that’s how it works where I go now.</p>

<p>They post it in solar. Go to the scheduling section (where you go to add classes) and selesct “my grades.” When they will be posted depends on how efficient the professor/TA is, but everything should be up by next week.</p>

<p>well there is stuff on blackboard but it is a curved class so whatever is on blackboard means nothing…</p>

<p>Log into solar–>Under “Student Records & Registration” it should say “Academic Records”- click it, choose “View My Grades”, then choose which semester.</p>

<p>I’m missing a grade for one of my classes. It’s a very small class and the final for this class was the earliest out of any other finals (2 weeks ago). And it was only on scantron. So should have posted by now… Should I be worried?</p>

<p>All of other grades posted already, even the one with 200+ students that had to be manually handgraded. Surprisingly, the 2 classes I took with the ones with 200+ students grades were posted the next day after finals.</p>

<p>I have 2 grades that still aren’t up, one of my professors did say they posted the grades on Friday, but aren’t there:( Solar was down for all of friday night so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.</p>