When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>I am a student who recently graduated from High School and was accepted to Emory University as part of the ED 1 program. My GPA was a weighted 4.3 and dropped to around a weighted 4.19/4.2. My SAT scores were 740, 760, and 610. I am very concerned that I will be rescinded and if anyone has any feedback, please let me know. These were my senior grades.</p>

<p>First semester:
Environmental Science AP-84
English Literature AP-86
Spanish Language Honors AP-79
World History AP-98
Calculus AB AP-76</p>

<p>Second Semester:
Environmental Science AP-88
English Literature AP-88
Spanish Language Honors AP-78
World History AP-97
Calculus AB AP-73</p>



<p>One tenth of a point drop. Take the time to go back to the first post on this thread and read the link.</p>

<p>Sorry to post again on the same thread, but I had related question. So, two days ago I received an email from my college saying that they’d noted a drop in my academic performance in my last semester and that a committee would be reviewing my transcripts to decide if further action must be taken. It also said that I could write a letter to explain my drop in performance. I assume I should just be open and honest about my family situation and emotional stresses? What’s the worst I have to worry about? Am I going to lose my acceptance? Go on probation?</p>

<p>LondonCircle–It’s not problem that you posted again on this thread.</p>

<p>You should definitely respond promptly to the letter you received and explain the home-front stress you’ve been under this year. You should also point out that you believe that college might be the best remedy for your academic downturn, noting that, even though the family turmoil will continue once you’ve left home, you feel that not having it in your immediate environment every day will allow you to return your focus to your schoolwork. </p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>I know this thread has been closed for a couple months, but I really, really need some confirmation about something that is currently driving me crazy. I have actually gone to two different guidance counselors at my school about this, both of whom have confirmed that I will be okay, but I still can’t convince myself–</p>

<p>So over the weekend I got into a very competitive small liberal arts college (and am still pleasantly surprised that I was even admitted, since my gpa was a 3.3). However, my grandmother recently passed away after surgery that went really badly. I am really sad and stressed about that and am having a lot of trouble concentrating. In two of my classes (physics 2 and AP english) I have C’s-- in physics it is a 72 and in english it is a 74. My english grade last semester was a B, and I am feeling fairly confident about the final so I think I should be able to pull that grade up. Physics, on the other hand, despite having an 86 last semester, I realized today that my chances of pulling up my grade to a B are slim because my teacher calculates final grades differently than other teachers. My other three classes this semester will be A’s and A-'s, and next semester I expect to get A’s and B’s. Worst case scenario, would my college rescind me for getting two C’s? I had one C+ last year in AP stats, but otherwise have had A’s and B’s. I’m just really, really anxious because I got accepted ED and I really don’t want to lose that. It’s worse because of losing my grandmother, whom I was very close with; and I haven’t slept properly in weeks, despite what my counselors have told me. :P</p>

<p>Gliese4Life–Sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother. My mother-in-law (my son’s grandma) died the day before Thanksgiving after a brief illness. So I have seen first-hand the stress that this can put on a teenager.</p>

<p>You should be okay with two C’s. When your counselor sends your final report to your college, ask him/her to write that you went through a difficult time. Ideally you can bring up at least one of the grades by the end of the school year. If your C’s are only in the first semester, then there will be no problem at all. </p>

<p>So don’t let your grades slip anymore and you will indeed be fine. And if you do feel that they are slipping, don’t ignore them. Go to your teachers promptly–before this gets away from you–and ask for extra help, extra credit assignments or whatever it takes to stay on track until graduation.</p>

<p>Congrats on your acceptance! Hope you get caught up on your sleep over vacation!</p>

<p>I applied to a large state school EA and got accepted in December. On one of the EC spaces, I put that I would be representing my high school as team captain of the quiz bowl at our state Beta Club Convention this spring. This was not a lie, as I really was chosen for the position and planned to attend at the time. However, I have ran into some unforeseen financial and family issues and I will not be able to go on the trip. Should I email the school about the correction? I do not want my acceptance rescinded over this, and I’m afraid if they check they will realize that I didn’t take the position. Some of my friends said not to worry because they won’t review accepted applications for EC flaws. I’m still worried though. Any advice?</p>

<p>char1195–It’s highly unlikely that your application will be reviewed for EC irregularities. However, there’s no chance that your acceptance will be rescinded due to these changes in your Beta Club plans. So, since this issue is eating at you, simply send a brief email to the admission office at your EA school and explain what you’ve already told us. </p>

<p>I know you will keep worrying if you don’t act, so do it right away and you’ll be able to sleep better at night. :)</p>

<p>And don’t worry if you never get a reply from the admission office. Busy officials at large schools commonly will not reply to what they view as routine messages that don’t demand an answer … and sometimes, in fact, they ignore those that DO demand an answer. ;)</p>

<p>Sally, </p>

<p>Thank you. I’m sorry about your mother in law. Even though they weren’t as close as parents, I’m sure your son feels this, that it is so difficult to lose a grandmother, especially when you were really close to them. It is so frustrating/angering, too, that there are so many important events in my life that I won’t get to share with her… </p>

<p>About my grades; luckily, I have been able to pull up my English grade, and will be getting a B- in the class. (Still not extraordinary, but better than a C.) Now, my physics grade on the other hand is teetering between a C and a C-. I think I will be able to pull a C, as I am working very hard (and a D is out of the question, as I would literally have to get a 30% on the final to get such a grade, thank goodness), but I’m not positive. Also, one of the other classes that I was hoping to do very well in, I am now going to be getting a B+ (meaning that my grades now stand at: Physics, C/C-; English 12 AP, B-; Business Law, B+; Sociology, A; and Lifeguarding, A-.) </p>

<p>We run on the block schedule so I don’t have any chance of pulling them up even further; but next semester I have AP Latin, AP Government, Business Calc, and Photography to boost my grades. As long as my grades for this nine weeks stay the same, and I get A’s and B’s next semester, I don’t have to worry about getting my decision rescinded, even at a highly selective liberal arts college? (My grades were in the B/B- range when I was admitted anyways… so I don’t know how that happened in the first place… I guess they really do look at your essays and ec’s :D). </p>

<p>Thank you so much, Sally!</p>

<p>Gliese4Life–Thanks for the condolences. It’s still hard to realize that my mother-in-law isn’t around anymore. Even though she was my husband’s mother and not my own, I knew her for more than 40 years.</p>

<p>Anyway, you should be fine with those grades, even in physics. Just make sure that you get a fresh start when the next semester begins and do well in your new classes, especially the AP’s.</p>


<p>You’re welcome. I understand how painful it is to lose one, for you, your husband, and your son, and I hope that time will help heal that, even though the loss cannot be mended. </p>

<p>I just finished my semester and ended up with slightly better grades than I had anticipated. I have A/A-'s in Soc, Lifeguarding, and Business Law; a B- in English as I anticipated; and, as of right now, a 79.48 C+ in Physics. I just sent my teacher a five point extra credit essay which will bump my grade up to a 79.75 (if he grants me all of the points), and I have asked if, given the circumstances that have arisen this semester that have affected my performance (I had a high B+ in the first nine weeks), there was anything else I could do to get my grade up to an 80%. With the 79.75%, he is supposed to round up, as they changed the rules a couple years ago making teachers round up, but I am not sure if he will. </p>

<p>I’m glad, though, that my admissions decision is not in jeopardy anymore, though. I just wish that my grandmother was here to share this stage of my life with me. Anyways, thank you so much, Sally! I wish you and your family a year of healing in 2013!</p>



<p>Sad that she can’t be with you but wonderful that you had a grandma who meant so much to you and whom you will always remember.</p>

<p>Meanwhile, sounds like you’re doing fine with your grades, and just keep up the good work in the final semester.</p>

<p>So i just failed a class with a 67 and i’m planning on going to Pace NYC. the marking period leaves my semester grade at an 81 and all my other classes are in my normal range. do you think that puts me in hot water? i’m really nervous because i’m really invested in going…</p>

<p>Hello! So I was accepted to my dream liberal arts school ED. Im kinda nervous I could get rescinded, I overwhelmed myself and had some anxiety related issues in the beginning of the year. I am usually a B average student (although my GPA was already on the lower end of the colleges acceptance avg.) I ended my first semester with a B in math, a B in AP art history, a C in AP Bio, a C+ in english, and a C in AP history. Could these grades get me kicked out of this school? How much time do the college admissions staff put in to looking at accepted student’s transcripts?</p>

<p>@oshannonmonahan–As long as your semester grade was an 81, you should be fine. Just do your best to stay out of the D/F range in the next semester. Get extra help, ask for extra-credit assignments … whatever it takes.</p>

<p>@sadie8980-When your counselor sends in your mid-year report, admission officials will notice the dip in grades. It won’t surprise me if you get a warning letter, but it’s highly unlikely that your acceptance will be rescinded. As I just said, above, get extra help or do extra-credit work as needed in order to pull up those C’s, especially in English and History. Admission officials tend to give more wiggle room to students who are struggling in classes like calculus and physics, while a bad grade in English may suggest “slacker.” If your second semester grades are better (even just somewhat better) you should be okay.</p>

<p>I was accepted to the University of Pittsburgh–it is my top choice, and the only school I applied to. I’ve had all A’s and B’s in mostly Honors and AP classes all throughout high school, except for one C in AP US History my sophomore year. However, this year, I took a harder course load than I anticipated. All of my classes are Honors/AP, and I have all A’s and B’s except for two classes: AP Statistics and AP Spanish. There is a chance that I may get a C in both classes. It’s not a case of senioritis; I’m trying my best in those classes, they’re just hard. I’m trying to pull up my grades this semester, but I’m not starting off on a great foot already.</p>

<p>Is there a chance my acceptance will be rescinded? Should I contact Pitt and ask? I’m really, really worried.</p>

<p>I was accepted to all of my schools EA, and I’m waiting to hear back from 3 schools RD. 1 of those doesn’t require a Midyear report and I just sent my first quarter grades to another. I was selected to a prestigious scholars/ scholarship program at one of my EA schools but I am worried that that is in jeopardy. I got I got A’s, 1 B+, and one C+ first quarter. However second quarter I brought up the C to an A-, but only got 5 A’s, and 3 B’s. also although I am doing ok in the classes I got a 60 on my calculus midterm and a 78 on my ap chemistry midterm. Will this cause the school to take away my acceptance to this program? ( it’s a private school that has a 35% acceptance rate and with thousands of admitted students only 75 kids are accepted each year.</p>

<p>And my average for both first and second quarters senior year have been in the A range, and I am taking a full course load of all ap’s, and college classes.</p>

<p>You should be fine, Jazmine1423. The exam grades won’t hurt you, but if you feel yourself continuing to struggle, you should get extra help before your test scores do impact your grades.</p>

<p>What about a fight in school that leads to a 3-5 day out of school suspension?</p>

<p>Grades will still be in mostly As with 1 or two Bs in all AP/Honors Classes…</p>