When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>A fight in school MIGHT lead to an acceptance being rescinded, assuming that the counselor reports the fight in the first place. (In theory, the counselor SHOULD report it but not all will. So your first step would be to ask the counselor if s/he is notifying your college(s).) </p>

<p>The college folks will want to know the nature of the fracas. If you were defending a classmate who was being harassed by a bully, you will be viewed differently than if you WERE the bully.</p>

<p>Lets say I have a D in a college class (differential equations), but I have all As or Bs in the rest of my classes, would this possibly lead to my admission being revoked. Im just really struggling in that class, and I have plenty of time to bring my grade up, I’m just not too sure if I can bring it up. A lot of it is my fault cause I got lazy before the first test and didn’t pay attention to the subject, but now I feel lost because the stuff just builds on top of the previous material. I was admitted EA to the University of Michigan (College of Engineering), and this would be the highest math class I would ever be required to take.</p>

<p>I got accepted into the UC of my choice, however as a sophmore, I dropped my AP Bio class a little bit more than half way through the semester and was told the highest grade I could be given in a Teacher Assistant class was a D. So on my transcript it shows up as a D, however the TA class is not an A-G requirement course. Can my decision get rescinded because of this?</p>

<p>yellowbones–if you were accepted with the D already on your transcript from sophomore year, a college won’t rescind your acceptance. Colleges revoke acceptances if grades drop significantly AFTER admission. So you’re fine.</p>

<p>I was accepted to a conservatory (not sure if anyone on here is in the same situation) and I’m not doing so well in school (probably 2 c’s and 1 d) and I’m worried that my college with revoke my admission. I emailed the university expressing my concerns (which I’m not sure if that was a good idea). Conservatories are more talent based than grade based, but I’m still concerned. I also paid my matriculation fee if that makes any difference.</p>

<p>pconzone … you don’t say if you had any C’s (or D’s) on your transcript at the time when you first applied or if these grades represent a big plummet. In any case, you are right when you say that conservatories typically care more about talent than grades, but a big drop in grades will usually mean at least a warning from ANY college. However, you also have a lot of time to pull up your grades, assuming that you are continuing in these same courses. And, if you’re NOT continuing in these courses, make every effort to make sure that you do better in your current classes. If your final report cards show that your grades have bounced back, then you’ll be fine for sure.</p>

<p>Iv had some pretty god awful grades this year with a 3 yr average of 2.97 (on a 4.0 scale) sloping down from freshman-junior year. First quarter of senior year was about a 3.05, second quarter dropped to a 2.57, and third quarter ends shortly and is looking like a 2.4ish. But near the end of the third quarter I was accepted to Drexel’s environmental engineering program program, which was probably more due to SATs (1980/2400 and 1360/1600) than my gpa. But this quarter I have two D’s and it doesn’t look like I’ll be able to drag them up. Am I in danger of having my acceptance revoked?</p>

<p>If I make straight A’s all throughout high school and make straight B’s during the second semester of senior year, would an Ivy league school (or other top school) rescind my acceptance? I’ve spent much more time on my ECs and personal interests so my grades have suffered</p>

<p>I was recently admitted to UCLA engineering. However, I was told by a friend that we have to report D’s and F’s we received even if we made them up. I received a D in my freshman year (9th grade) in Honors Biology A during my first semester. Second semester I took regular Biology B and got an A. I took regular biology A during summer school and received a B in the class. I did not know I was supposed to report this to UC’s because my counselors told me that it cancelled the D out if I retook the class. It was an honest mistake on my behalf. Do you know if this will affect my acceptance? Will it be rescinded?</p>

<p>So I was recently admitted by UCI, and I had C’s and B’s first semester, and second semester, i am probably going to get C’s maybe 2 B’s, then I might even get one D. Will that D result in UCI revoking my application?
I am currently taking:
AP Calc
AP Chem
AP Gov
AP Econ
H Physics
AP Lit 12
Online Spanish 3
The D is in chemistry.
Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>Changed class from what was posted on application. Posted AP Stats changed to Yearbook but neglected to tell them until after I got accepted. Will they revoke my acceptance?</p>

<p>ptbuiii–Here is info about the UC policies: [Repeating</a> courses | UC Admissions](<a href=“University of California Counselors”>University of California Counselors) </p>

<p>It says that if you get a “D” in an a-g course in the 2nd semester of senior year,you should immediately contact the admission office at that campus and ask for advice. So if you think you might get a D, you should do that now. Meanwhile, you should talk to your teacher about extra-credit work or extra help to see if you can pull up your grade.</p>

<p>CMJim1–It’s unlikely that your acceptance will be revoked, but you should have your school counselor contact the admission office(s) and explain the change. Depending on where you were accepted and on the OTHER courses on your current roster, there may be some cause for concern … or not. The more selective the college, the more fuss could be made over this change. But if you have an appropriately rigorous semester despite the drop down from AP Stats to Yearbook, it should be no big deal.</p>

<p>Hello, I got into UCSD with a 3.8 unweighted GPA. I haven’t done well this semester and now have 2As, 1B, 1D, and 2Fs. If I drop the 2Fs and raise my D to a C, then I’ll have 2As, 1B, and 1C, which isn’t far from the 3.8 GPA I was accepted with, but will the 2 dropped classes (a science class and a math class) get me rescinded? They will show up as Ws on my transcript, and furthermore I applied as a computer science major which getting a W for a science and math class doesn’t look good.</p>

<p>adlerc-You could be in hot water at UCSD. Dropping the classes can be as bad as failing them at this late date. I suggest that you see your school counselor at once and ask for advice. If you can’t see (or trust!) your counselor, contact UCSD admissions directly and ask if you can make up for your downturn.</p>

<p>I know it’s tempting to try to sweep this under the rug, hoping that the admission folks don’t notice. But they WILL. So you’re better off being pro-active and finding out where you stand before it’s too late to pursue other options, as needed.</p>

<p>I’m going to Occidental College (LA) and I got a couple of C’s before this year (in honors classes) but mostly B’s and A’s. This semester I’m getting 3 or 4 C’s, 1 or 2 B’s, and an A. The C’s are all in AP classes. Do you think this is ok since they accepted me knowing I had C’s before?</p>

<p>rhcpfan16–Best guess = a warning letter at the most. Seems very unlikely that anything worse will happen. The Oxy folks won’t be thrilled to see the C’s, but colleges really don’t like to revoke acceptances and thus tend to do it only when it looks like the student is in serious hot water. The fact that your C’s are in challenging classes will work in your favor. But, on the other hand, if it’s not too late to pull at least one of them up to a B-, you should make that a goal.</p>

<p>Hi, I am currently taking two college courses (at a local college) along with my high school courses. My high school grades haven’t dropped much, but it looks like I will have to get an F on one college course because I missed the final exam to go to an admit preview program at the university to which I will matriculate in the fall. I listed the two college courses in my application but didn’t say that an official transcript is available. The university in question is an Ivy League.</p>

<p>So my questions are:
(1) Will the admissions office still inquire about my results in the college courses just because I listed them? (I don’t think there’s a section in the Final Report for that)
(2) If they do inquire, am I going to be in hot water, seeing as I failed the course only because I missed the final exam, and I missed the final exam only because I went to THEIR admit preview program? </p>


<p>I am currently in an Early College program and applied to a state school in NC [UNCG] and I have taken this year British Lit, Introduction to Biology [bio 110], bio lab for that class, geography, and western civilization.</p>

<p>I had to withdraw out of British Lit as the 9am lecture class [first one ever for me] was a bad idea and I could not stay awake no matter when I went to bed. [a WP]</p>

<p>Now I am at a point in the semester where I have had a lot of outside issues regarding my health [applying for medicaid and dealing with shifting from being a dependent to independent] and internal issues I have a 69 in the lab [I am going today to beg the teacher for one point] and a 72 in the actual class.</p>

<p>If I was to fail the biology class [the lab and class are not seperate in terms of on the transcript] would they take away the offer if I am making a 90.02 in the Western Civ class and a B in the geography class?</p>

<p>I got into the University of Denver with a 2.9 overall GPA, i did alright first semester of senior year but third quarter and currently this smester senioritis has been getting the better of me. my Gpa last quarter was atrocious, i had a 1.85. im not doing well this last quarter either though i am making an effort to pull up my grades and do well on my final exams. is there a high chance of my college acceptance being recinded?</p>

<p>they did not give me any financial aid, i am unsure if that makes it more unlikely that they will recind my acceptance solely because of how much money i would give them</p>
