When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

I’m an Indian student currently in the middle of my board exams and I don’t think my Physics final went as well as it should have… I got a 93/100 on the mid term (school exam not boards)… Now physics has never been my best subject anyway but I expected at least a 90+ on my boards…
But with my Grandmother passing away at the start of the year I lost focus for a while…
Do you think that lower grades in physics, Around 80-85/100, Should be enough for colleges to rescind my admission…
I know this wouldn’t have mattered much if I was an american student… But as an international I really don’t know where I stand…

@AnjieBiladi‌ -I’m sorry about your grandmother and I know that this is a stressful process that generates many worries, but please don’t ask me about being rescinded for one B … and this is true for EVERYONE who keeps posting here and, especially, writing to me privately … international and domestic students alike. Colleges will not rescind for one B nor even for one C.

And, in most cases (not the UC’s) they won’t rescind for one D either (though that’s probably when you’ll get a warning).

So, all of you, try to enjoy the rest of your senior year … just not TOO much. :wink:

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ thank you very much for your prompt reply to me earlier. sorry if this may sound a bit redundant, but with all of my AP’s, do you think having 2 C’s and say 1 or 2 B’s would get me rescinded? I assume that it would almost certainly result in a warning letter. this is the absolute floor for me in terms of how badly i’m going to do, but i just want to have some closure as to the severity of the punishment in the event that something drastic happens. haha. thanks for all the help.

@OnlyYesterday‌ -Per my original answer, it’s highly unlikely that your acceptance should be rescinded. (Note that I can never comment with 100 percent certainty because sometimes there are factors that play into admission decisions that I’m not aware of.)

@Sally_Rubenstone - From your experience and knowledge, how many IB points maximum can one drop between the Mid-year and Final transcripts sent out in senior year (before a college decides to send out a warning letter or rescind an admissions offer)? I had 35 points for mid-year but could drop to around 30. I’ve heard the range is around 5-7 points. (I’ve scored high 20 and low 30 before) Is this approximation accurate?

I’ve also heard one is fine so long as she does not fail all of their classes. I don’t think one can technically fail an IB course. What would be failing in the eyes of admissions? Thank you.

@1013gattca‌ - I don’t know of a set number of points that an IB student is “allowed” to drop before an acceptance is rescinded. But I do know of students whose actual results were 5-7 points below their predicted results and they didn’t have any trouble with a revoked acceptance. BUT … these students also earned good grades in their actual classes.

The fatal combination would be a drop in predicted exam scores across the board AND a drop of grades across the board, too. In other words, you could be in hot water if it appears to the admissions officials that you did next to nothing in the last half of your senior year.

@sally_rubenstone I’m not sure I follow what you mean. We receive a transcript score (/42) and a predicted score (/45) both in mid-year (though I don’t think the predicted is ever sent out to US colleges), and we receive another transcript score (/42) at the end of the year. Do you mean between the two transcript scores? I know final IB exams are not considered.

@1013gattca‌ -Are you in a US high school or are you outside the US? Typically, domestic IB students get grades in their classes while overseas IB students may only get predicted IB scores, although IB grading tends to vary from school to school. If you get grades in your IB classes, these will count the most. If you receive just the transcript scores you mentioned, your drop doesn’t sound like it’s great enough to cause a revoked acceptance. If you want to send me a PM with the name of the college that admitted you, I might be able to be more helpful.


Hi Sally!

I received a likely letter from Columbia two days ago and was absolutely ecstatic. However, I realized that I had forgotten to inform them of a course drop – Calculus 12. I didn’t drop the course because I was lazy, it was just because math was never my strongest subject (I’m majoring in poli sci) and I opted the study calculus with a private tutor (so I can go at my own pace). I had notified my Ea admit school (Uchicago) about it and they were alright (but they have a lax rescind policy). I’ve already emailed the columbia admission counselor about it, and I’m really scared that they are going to take my likely letter away/re-evaluate my application!!! :frowning:

Also, I indicated that I was going to take some ap exams on the common app but because of cost and other issues, I won’t be taking any. Do I really need to notify Columbia and UChicago about this?

Thanks so much!!

@FuzzyPeaches-It’s highly unlikely that Columbia won’t admit you due to your dropping calculus. But you do need to notify ALL of your colleges IMMEDIATELY (and you SHOULD have done it at the time that you made the change but I know how many of life’s “should haves” get away from all of us).

As for the changes in AP exam plans, you are not obligated to notify your colleges but, if my son were in that situation, I’d tell him to do it anyway. And remember–AP tests are in May. You will have made a college choice by then, so you only have to notify one school.

I attend a Middle College program where I take community college classes for high school credit. I’m going to get all A’s/B’s for the rest of the year except for a college physics class which I will probably fail. So far I’ve gotten into UCSC and UCSD, with a 3.93 unweighted/4.47 weighted.

I’m thinking at this point should I just not show up to the final? And then at least I can say I failed this class because I missed the final because insert excuse

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone‌ I am an international student and my marks increased from 11th grade to 12-mid terms… But i just wanted to know a drop in a grade of one subject ( Math part 2) from A and A+ ----> B+ or B is something to worry about?
But the rest of my subjects have in fact been consistent or have improved.

I got into colleges like Purdue, UIUC, Georgia Tech and such competitive colleges.

@vinkool … and everyone else on this thread … I have said it over and over already: Colleges will not rescind for a very minor decline in grades. If you have D’s and F’s … or even if 5 A’s became 5 C’s … you may need to worry. But not with B’s!

@ooberdoober‌ -UC schools DO rescind for D’s and F’s. I suggest that you contact those admission offices now to see what your options are. Simply reporting that you failed a class because you missed the final is not going to save you. Because this is a college class and you have probably passed all your a-g requirements already, you might find out that you’re okay, but you need to talk to admission officers pronto.

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Thank you. Also, could that big dip in a subject affect my scholarship/grants ?


My daughter got accepted to University of San Francisco. She is currently taking Calculus AB. She got a “C” first semester and will probably get a 'C" for the last semester. She is afraid she might get a “D”. I have suggested she contact the admissions office of USF to find out if that could affect her admission. Am I correct to suggest that for her?

@only4zqm‌ - yes, that’s a good idea. It will make your daughter look conscientious. She should be okay as long as she explains that she’s working hard even though she’s struggling.

i was accepted to Iowa sate university. on average i am an A/B student. this year and last i took four AP classes each and let me tell you it was tough. but this last semester my grades fell and i got 2A’s 1B and 4C’s and I’m really worried that that Iowa State University will rescind my acceptance… what are my chances that this will happen? and what are other possible consequences if any?

@nolew96‌ - Are your A’s and B in core academic classes or are all your good grades in chorus, health, cooking, etc.? You should probably be okay regardless, but if ALL of your core classes are C’s and only the fluffier ones are A’s and B’s, you might want to ask your school counselor to contact the ISU admission office to confirm that you’re not in hot water.