When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Hi. So I have been accepted to one of the IVY league scool. Upuntill first trimester I had straight As with one B+.
However, I have recieved straight Bs.

Is this fine? Or would the straight Bs make prestigious school like IVY to rescind the offer

@JohnHb‌ - It’s unlikely that your college will rescind your application with straight B’s but it’s impossible for me to say for sure, especially without seeing your transcript in the context of your entire profile, which only the college folks can do. It sounds like you will be okay, and it also seems that you still have time to pull up your grades … at least a couple of them. So I recommend putting in some extra effort to make sure that some of those B’s go back to A’s by the end of the year.

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ I’m talking more about final report, not mid year report. Any ideas on that? My mid year year had just one B+.

@openguy‌ -It seems early to be sure that you won’t get any A’s on your FINAL report card. Are you way in the hole already, hoping to pull your grades UP to B’s?

If your final transcript shows only B’s instead of your usual straight A’s (and one B+), my best guess is that you could get a letter about this but that, ultimately, there will be no penalty. It’s hard to say without knowing the big picture. If your course load is especially grueling or if you’re extremely involved in significant activities outside of school (e.g., if you’re working long hours at a paid job), the admission officials may say nothing at all.

@Sally_Rubenstone - I was recently accepted to NYU (ED). My school uses the IB system, and my total scores (out of 42) in Junior and Senior years have been 26, 32, and 35. I plan to major in English and Art History so I have always struggled with Maths and Physics. My final semester grades have been consistent to my mid-year report grades (35), but for Maths and Physics I’m afraid I will likely score a 3 or 4 out of 7 on the final transcript. NYU did accept me with two 3s and two 4s in these two subjects, but seeing as I scored two 5s on them earlier this year, might they rescind my acceptance if I drop back to a 3 or a 4? My overall should stand at a 30-31, so it’s still within range of my historical record I believe…

@ccvb1013‌ -Doesn’t look like a problem given that you were accepted with 3’s and 4’s, even though you scored 5’s earlier. As I’ve said many times, college folks do not like to rescind admissions except when there are clear-cut signs that the student has vacationed through the second half of senior year. (The UC schools, however, are a notable exception. They have very specific policies that are more stringent than most.)

Thank you for taking the time to respond! @Sally_Rubenstone

@Sally_Rubenstone In my case, is there any need to be “pro-active” and to discuss the situation with the admissions office to see what they think? Or is it not serious a drop to even consider the worst case scenario?

@ccvb1013‌ - I don’t think you need to be pro-active here. But, if you feel like you want to do SOMETHING and you have a decent guidance counselor, ask him/her if this scenario has come up before with NYU admitted students and what the outcome was. But, frankly, from what you’ve told me, you seem like you’ll be fine.

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Hi, I applied to University of Washington, UC Berkeley, and UCLA. For first semester I got all As (1 A-) and 1 C+ in Calc BC. I’m especially worried about Univ. of Washington. Do you think they will rescind me (if I get accepted)? I’ve had mostly As and a few Bs through Junior year, I’m afraid they’ll view that C+ negatively… :frowning:

Thank you for your help!

@orangemaple- Don’t worry … you will not get an acceptance revoked for a C+, especially it a very tough class. And, since you haven’t even been admitted yet, colleges will probably see that grade before making a decision. (Most schools want to see first-semester grades if they haven’t issued a verdict by late January.) So if you are accepted with the C+, you obviously won’t be later rejected because of it. And even if the colleges DON’T know about your C+ before making your decision, the C+ in AP Calc BC won’t change it.

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Thank you! I feel relieved now :slight_smile:

Historically, my grades have been very high- I’m actually valedictorian at our high school and have a (or had). But my depression has gotten really out of hand this year and my grades have plummeted… would a final report of B’s and Cs cause my colleges to rescind their acceptances? I’m going to do my best to pull thr marks up to at least B’s but we don’t have many grades left

*had a 4.0, but that’s looking to drop

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ When I applied to schools, I wrote that I planned to take three AP exams this year: Calc BC, Physics 1, and Physics 2. However, I’ve recently learned that my school does not cover all of the Physics 2 material, and since I do not plan on using these exams for credit, I don’t really want to take it. Would this be grounds for being rescinded (perhaps seen as lying on my application?) or am I just paranoid?

@viewthroughkohl0‌ - A final report card of B’s and C’s, after being valedictorian, will probably get you a warning letter but nothing worse. If you do hear from your college about your grades, you might want to get a therapist or counselor to write to the college to explain your battle with depression. But I suggest you don’t do that until AFTER you’ve gotten all your college verdicts and, even then, only if you get in any sort of hot water for your dropping grades.

@OrchidBloom‌ - No, you wouldn’t be rescinded for canceling AP tests. But I always advise students who cancel the AP plans they listed on their applications to notify the college they plan to attend to briefly explain WHY they didn’t take the test(s) on the application.

@Sally_Rubenstone‌ Thanks for the response! So just to clarify: I should be okay waiting until after I get my acceptances to notify schools?

@OrchidBloom‌ - Yep. You only have to notify the college that you decide to attend about your switch in AP exam plans. You need not contact all the others, so you can wait until May 1, when you’ve made or final choice.

I am not doing well in two of my classes, AP Statistics and AP Physics. They’re both around Ds, physics maybe a high D. Midterm exams really wrecked me. I don’t actually need either class to graduate, but I can’t drop either of them for reasons. I’m doing well in all my other classes, which include an A in AP Lit, a B in AP Human Geography, and A in IB Anthropology, and As in all of my electives. I’ll be going to after school study sessions for both offending classes, and I’m trying to get them up, but I’m really horrible at math. These grades are fairly consistent with my math/science grades from previous years. I know for a fact I can bump up both grades a little bit using a project at the end of the year. I am definitely going to be emailing/calling admissions for my schools about it, but what’s your take? Thanks.

@goodnegative‌ -Sounds like you’re doing all you can do to succeed in these classes. Unless you’ve been admitted to UC schools that have firm rules about D’s, you should be okay. You will get a warning (probably) if there are D’s on your final transcript. But given that your strength has never been in math and science and you’re taking very demanding classes and getting extra help, I don’t see college revoking acceptances as long as you’ve made effort to do as well as you can (except UC’s, as already noted).