When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>Can a student who got into ED get rescinded for not withdrawing other college applications? How about withdrawing those applications, say 3 months late?</p>

<p>“Can” or “could” has to be answered with “of course.” “Will” or “would” is impossible to say.</p>

<p>Hello </p>

<p>Im currently a high school senior and was wondering if my admission could get revoked. Im very sure I want to go to Bradley University next fall but am a little nervous because my senior first semester grades didnt turn out well. I got a 2.5. When I applied to Bradley, I had a 3.4 Overall GPA. If I do better next semester, could they not revoke me. How bad would you have to do?</p>

<p>@ bigmdig - definitely get your 2nd semester grades up.</p>

<p>A drop from 3.4 to 2.5 is kind of cutting it</p>

<p>I applied to many top schools (e.g. most of the Ivy League).</p>

<p>Would acceptances be rescinded if I applied as a full IB diploma student, but ultimately did not receive the diploma?</p>

<p>I will have completed all of the academic requirements (I won’t be taken out of IB courses, and my GPA, class rank, etc. would all stay the same). Actually, the only requirement that may not be fulfilled is the action component of CAS.</p>

<p>@ clouder If i get my grades back up… should I be fine?</p>

<p>Hi everyone! So I’m pretty much the kid that worries over everything, even the smallest things and this was just the thread I was looking for. And it would be great if I could get any feedback.</p>

<p>On my UC App, I listed that I took American Democracy Honors and Economics for two semesters when really I only took American Democracy for the fall semester and Economics for the spring semester. I’ve contacted the schools about this and they’ve all been taken care of except for Davis because I’m not really sure how I would change this on the My Admissions website. Does anybody have any tips of how I would go about this?</p>

<p>And would I have to specify that because I took American Democracy Honors that I am taking Economics Honors as well?</p>

<p>And I know this is kind of a silly question but will my admission get rescinded for not providing my full legal name on the application??? :P</p>

<p>Will my admission get rescinded for any of these mishaps?</p>

<p>Any help is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Do you guys know that if dropping AP Calc at the semester will make them revoke my acceptance?</p>

<p>There is no way any of us can know that. What you take instead might be a factor.</p>

<p>I was just gonna TA. I have 3 other AP classes</p>



<p>Depending on where you were admitted, it IS possible that dropping AP Calc could mean that an affirmative decision will be rescinded. If you plan to do this (or already HAVE) then you or your guidance counselor should notify any college that admitted you (or to which you have applied, where it is expected that you are continuing with calc). You’re better off being open about this change NOW because, otherwise, you run the risk of a rescinded decision in the spring, once colleges see your final transcript. It’s not too late for damage control in February, but it WILL be in June.</p>

<p>I already emailed admissions asking if it would make them revoke my acceptance. But I’m stressing out because nothings going to be open until tomorrow. I haven’t dropped calc yet but I was told to say I dropped it at the semester</p>

<p>Oh and I’ve gotten into La Verne and UCR so far</p>

<p>meenzie–Since you have three other AP classes, and the colleges you named (La Verne and UC Riverside) aren’t hyper-competitive, you’ll probably get the okay from their admission officials to drop the calculus class. But you really have to check directly to make certain.</p>

<p>i was wondering if colleges could revoke if you switch out of one little elective such as astronomy and go into study hall. i dont think it will matter for a business/communications major like me but i was just wondering</p>

<p>Yes, colleges sometimes will rescind an acceptance if officials feel that a student course load becomes less challenging post-admission. It wouldn’t happen if the student dropped an elective like band or chorus or yearbook, but it could happen if an academic subject, such as astronomy, gets dropped. It really depends what the rest of the schedule looks like. In your case, it probably won’t matter, but you might want to find out before you get bad news too late.</p>

<p>what are the chances that sjsu will rescind for a D in AP environmental science? ive already completed 3 year of science so i meet csu requirements without it but i dont know if the college will care about that or not</p>

<p>"Finally, for those students who are writing now, in early April, with worries about declining grades, note that the college you plan to attend won’t see your transcript until the school year is over. "</p>

<p>What does this mean? If they won’t see your final transcript until the end of the school year, wouldn’t it be too late if May is the time where people accepted into a school, need to make an official decision? Im in college transferring to another for the fall and they told me they want my official transcript at the end of this semester.</p>



<p>This is exactly why it’s critical that students maintain roughly the same GPA (or better) after applying to college that they had before applying. By the time colleges receive a final transcript and decide to rescind an acceptance due to poor grades, it can be too late to pursue other options. </p>

<p>However, in the case of transfers, deadlines can differ. Colleges may even see a final transcript before an initial decision is made. It depends on the colleges involved and their transfer-admission timetables.</p>

<p>Does that mean, they save spots for those transfer applications who wait till the end of the semester to send in their transcripts, and if they don’t get in, they give it to another person who did get in? because on the website, Purchase said “Accepted students have until May 1 or 30 days from their acceptance, whichever is later, to accept their appointment to Purchase College as per the terms of the acceptance letter.” its really confusing…</p>