When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@juice650 and @bman55-I’m getting pretty tired of answering nearly identical questions over and over. As I said above, consult the college you are planning to attend. Even if you are afraid that calling the admission office will alert them to a bad grade that might otherwise slip under the radar, you need to do this anyway! The admission folks WILL see your grades … eventually. And it’s better to have this discussion now, when there may be a chance to make amends … or other plans … rather than in July or August. I know you’re stressed over this but you probably don’t have to be. Yet you won’t alleviate that stress until you speak to someone at the college.

@inthestars -You will not be rescinded for this but contact the school to set the record straight. Use email and be apologetic.

I got accepted into NYU. I had 3A’s in my AS Level but might not do so well in A2. But since the final report shows the combined AS+A2 grade, will I be fine with like an A,C,D in A2, which would actually be an A,B,C or A,B,B combined. The A,C,D won’t show on the report card.

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you so much! I feel better. I will do that.

Hey Sally,

I am a transfer student from NVCC, and I was accepted into Virginia Tech’s General Engineering for the upcoming fall semester. I am taking 4 classes and I might be ending up with either 2B’s and 2C’s, or 1B and 3Cs. Should I be worried about my admission being rescinded? Until now I have gotten straight A’s and B’s.


My midyear report was:
AP Physics C A+
AP Language and Composition A
Foundations I A
Engineering Fundamentals A+
Gym A+
Sociology A+

My final report likely to be:
AP Physics C C
AP Language and Composition B+
Foundations I B+
Engineering A
Gym A
AP Calculus AB A- (not included on midyear)
AP Calculus BC B+ (not included on midyear)
Robotics A+

Will a final grade of C in Physics C kill me for WashU? On the CommonApp I wrote I was going to be a Physics major…I have time to bring it up to a solid B… I just don’t feel like it but I will if I really need to.


I am taking 6 IB Courses and have gotten A’s in 5 of them but an F in history (3.3 unweighted, 4.1 weighted) My first grade in the class came out two weeks ago. I applied as a chemical engineer. Will my college rescind?

Hey Sally!

I confirmed my enrollment for Princeton about 2 weeks ago and am worried about having my acceptance rescinded. My senior year schedule included AP Art Studio 2D and I listed it as a course I would take all year as that’s what I believed. However, at the beginning of the second semester I was removed from AP Studio and placed as a teacher aid for the design class. When I asked my counselor about it, I was told that there was a scheduling conflict and that I could only take AP Statistics or AP Studio. I chose to stick with AP Stats since it is a math course and thought it would be more important than my AP Studio elective. I still worked on my Studio portfolio for the entire second semester with the same teacher that teaches the Studio class but I’ll receive no credit for the course as I am technically just a teacher aid. Will my acceptance be rescinded for this? I did submit my portfolio for AP Studio and my teacher is confident that I will receive a 5 on the exam. This is the same work that won several Scholastic Art Awards which were not mentioned in my application as I received notification of them too late to add them. I understand based on your pasts posts that Princeton should be contacted with this whole scheduling ordeal. Should I contact them or should I ask my counselor to email them directly? Also, should my awards be included in this email to sort of “justify” or emphasize that I was a successful student in the class and it was only dropped because of a scheduling conflict?

Thank you in advance for your help! I’m just incredibly worried and nervous over this.

So… During highschool I’ve had a really low gpa 3.0 unweighted and 3.8 weighted. I’ve had countless Cs and 2 D’s(They counted as F’s in Georgia but they count as D’s in California idk why). So i recently got accepted to UCSD and I think I will get a D in AP Literature this semester. Should I be worrying right now?

You guys should be able to answer your own questions by now based on the other replies on this thread. But it can’t hurt to ask. Since most of you will be on your own in college next year, seeking help is actually an admirable trait … assuming, of course, that you don’t do it SO often than you drive your professors, advisors, or RA’s nuts in the process. :wink:

But here’s one last (I hope) round of replies, then I’m taking a vacation (from this thread, not to Maui :frowning: ):

@SameerHussain -I do think you’ll be fine
@CurtMcgurt7 -You should be fine, too. You may get a warning letter if you end up with 3 C’s, but probably not.

@slights32 - Colleges give a lot of wiggle room for AP Physics C. The “C” won’t kill you though it will be noticed.

@coffeebows -If you are going to a UC school, it’s possible the “F” will mean you’ll get rescinded. If you’re not going to a UC school, you should be okay though you might get a warning note. But if there’s any time left in the term, ask the teacher what you can do to pass the course.

@Homeless2Princeton -No worries here at all. But it can’t hurt to drop a brief note via email to your admissions rep to explain the course switch, just as you’ve explained it to us. You can also ask your counselor to mention this in your final school report as well, just to verify your story. It’s also a good idea to include your awards when you write, but I really assure you that you’re not in any hot water assuming that the grades in the classes that you did take are fine.

@ticklemelmo -Yes, you should be worried. UC schools will rescind for D’s. Talk to your high school counselor and then either you or s/he should contact the university to see if you are going to lose your place in the freshman class and–if so–to ask if there’s something you can do to save it. Act now! If you are an ostrich, hoping that the admission folks won’t notice, you’ll only end up making the situation worse.


Hi Ms.Rubenstone

I have a question pertaining to my acceptance at Stony Brook University…So, until this year I was a mostly A student with probs a 3.7-3.8 UW GPA…As for my SAT scores I got a 2330 and 4’s and 5’s on all my AP’s…However, this year I will end up with at least 2 C’s in My AP’s(Stats and Calc) while I may be able to end up with a B- in AP Physics while getting an A in Science Research and English with a B+ in Econ… So my question is given how hard my teachers are and that I might potentiall actually end up with 4/5’s on the AP’s. Is there any remote chance that I will get rescinded. Thanks for your help in advance!

AP Calc:C
AP Stats:C
AP Physics 1:B-
Science Research:A

@lifeishard -Life can indeed be hard but, in this case, it shouldn’t be. You will not get rescinded with those grades.


You just made my day,Mrs.R! Thanks a whole bunch! :smiley:

@lifeishard - You’re welcome. Now maybe I should go to Maui after all. :wink:

I was accepted to Case Western Reserve University with a 4.1 GPA. I’ve always been a straight A student. But this year, my grades are taking a huge hit. My depression and anxiety have never been worse in my life (they’ve been lifelong illnesses but I’ve always coped well enough before), probably due to an extremely stressful home life from my father, who is very emotionally abusive. I’ve been so held back by mental illness and home that maintaining grades just hasn’t been priority. I started antidepressants at one point during the school year as well, but it was a very bad prescription for me. I got all of the side effects without any of the benefits, and as a result, I stopped hobbies, schoolwork, eating, and a lot of other things. It raised my anxiety to such a level that I couldn’t leave my house in the morning to even go to school. I’m off of that medication now and going to school again, but even with the extra effort I’ve been putting in these last few weeks, my grades are still low. My goal for finals is to bring up my two D grades to Cs. My other grades are around Bs or B minuses. If I can, and even if I don’t, what do you think the chances would be of losing my acceptance? I’m absolutely terrified. Both my counselor and I have talked to my admissions representative about some of the difficulties I’ve been facing, and she (my counselor) is going to write another recommendation letter when she sends my final transcript. I also plan on calling or emailing my representative to offer to explain myself, or to put them in contact with my therapist if they feel it’s necessary. I would also go to Cleveland to talk to somebody in person and offer to start in the fall on academic probation. I want to show that this behavior is completely episodal and that I’ll be back to normal when I’m out of such a poisonous environment.

@sarahashstarr - I’m sorry that you’ve had such a stressful home-front life and it sounds like you’re doing everything right to survive your remaining time in high school and to make sure that you retain your spot at Case. I think that all your current plans are wise (to keep in touch with your Case rep, to have your school counselor write another letter to accompany your final transcript, to offer contact with your therapist, and to volunteer to start the fall on academic probation). The only additional thing you might want to do right now–if you haven’t already–is to line up a therapist in Cleveland who can begin working with you as soon as the school year starts. Ideally, you will have already spoken with the University counseling services to discuss whether there is someone on campus you will be seeing regularly or if they recommend you see an off-campus therapist. And, if the latter, can they refer you or can your current therapist? And if you haven’t done this yet, it would be an important next-step to take.

The Case admission officials are sure to be concerned about your readiness to start college, even if they have no plans to rescind your acceptance. So they should find it reassuring to know that there will continuity in your treatment as you transition from home to campus and that you already have this plan in place.

Again, I think you’re handling this situation completely correctly … and maturely … and this ought to show the Case folks that they shouldn’t hesitate to allow you to matriculate as planned.

Best of luck to you. Let me know how it works out.

@Sally_Rubenstone - thank you so much for answering these questions from peers that are just as paranoid as I am. I browsed through most of this thread but figured I ought to shoot a question anyway. Would being a waitlist admit with a drop in final grades put me in even hotter water than someone who was admitted RD? (Admitted in and committed to a Top 10 LAC btw). My first semester uw GPA was a 3.71 (5 A’s, 2 B’s) and my second semester uw GPA will likely be a 3.29 (4 A’s, 1 B, 2 C’s). I am getting C’s in AP Physics and my advanced English class. Overall, my cumulative GPA will drop from a 3.84 to a 3.77. I was mildly depressed which is why my grades dropped, but I have gotten better. I contacted my college’s admission office but no response yet. Should I be extremely worried?

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you so much. You don’t know how much it means to be reassured that I’m doing the right thing. This school means everything to me right now, and I just can’t wait to go.

@trueblue302 - A student admitted off the waitlist is no longer a second-class citizen and thus the bar is set no higher … or lower … for you than for any other student who has officially joined the class. The admission folks at your LAC will not be thrilled to see a couple C’s on your transcript but it won’t lead to a rescinded acceptance and you probably won’t even get any sort of letter about the grade drop either (but you might). So don’t worry about it.

@sarahashstarr -I’m glad I could be helpeful. Write back if you encounter any problems with Case, but it sounds like you have the support of your school counselor and you’re doing everything you should be doing, so you ought to be fine.

@Sally_Rubenstone - thank you. I contacted my admissions counselor, and it seems that he is understanding. I’m still a little bit worried, though.

I have more general questions now, mostly out of curiosity, and I don’t think anyone asked you this in the thread… What general trends have you noticed in your experience as a counselor and lurker on CC forums in regards to admission rescinds? Which schools are most notorious for rescinding based on grades/which schools are the toughest? Is it more common in public universities, private universities, or private LACs? And is rescinding due to grades truthfully a common practice or is it magnified due to paranoia?