When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@trueblue302 - UC’s are probably toughest because they will rescind for grades lower than C’s. Most schools–both public and private–will be flexible as long as there’s a reason for the grade-drop besides slacking.

Seriously bad behavior can spur colleges to revoke an acceptance as well. But “bad” usually means cheating, hate crimes, violence … not getting caught with a Bud Lite at prom.

Dear Dean Rubenstone

I just received acceptance into a very elite university as a transfer student. While I am thrilled to have been accepted, I have been terrified the past week because I am afraid I might get rescinded. This quarter I had the misfortunate of enrolling in a math course taught by a grad student who has an extremely bad teaching style. Class lectures are rambling and disorganized, and tests are substantially more difficult than anything covered in class or in the textbook. I have spent so much time studying for this class, even paying for tutors, but I still might get a D or even fail it. To make things worse, I am spending so much time on this class that my grades in my other classes are slipping. What can I do?

@oceanwest -I think you should contact the transfer liaison in the admission office at your new college (or any other admission official you’ve dealt with up until now) and explain what you’ve said here. Most admission folks will be sympathetic to your situation and some may have even been in a similar one. I can’t guarantee you 100 percent that there won’t be repercussions, especially if ALL your grades slipped A LOT, but you will probably be okay. However, you can’t be an ostrich … you need to contact the admission office.

I ended with a C in Calculus III at Georgia Tech (dual enrollment) and 3 Bs and 2 As. Georgia Tech is known for its brutal grade deflation. In the past, I had only gotten 3 Bs. Would Harvard rescind me? I got in SCEA, and it’s worrying me just because I am a natural worrier. Should I contact my admissions officer?

@HobbitTon-No, you should NOT contact your admissions office. You should take a chill pill and not worry about this. You are clearly a natural worrier, just as you say, so you better learn some stress-reduction techniques before you go to Harvard. :wink:

Will a college care about a C/D in a religion course? I was accepted into Wharton RD, and since my school has a required religious essay course to graduate (with very subjective grading) will Penn actually about my performance in such a course?

My core classes have decent final grades (4 A’s, 2 B’s).

@Tiberium -
Colleges care about every “D.” Do they care enough to rescind an acceptance? For a “D” in Religion, that’s highly unlikely, but you’ll probably get a warning letter. A “C,” however, should have no impact.

Dear Dean Rubenstone

Imagine that you were a student leader at school X who has made a lot of political enemies, let’s say largely due to your work in the student newspaper. Even enemies among the school administration. Let’s say that you were accepted as a transfer to school Y, and you had confirmed your deposit and all. If school Y were to received a lot of malicious emails/letters from school X, including potentially from administrators, would they be likely to rescind?

@Sally_Rubenstone I’ve got accepted to csusb but finishing up my last semester at a CC I got one D that dropped that semesters GPA below a 2 though my cumulative is much higher. Can this make them rescind their offer. I called an admission consuler and they said the D was fine as it wasn’t in a core course and I still meet minimum. Perhaps I’ll get by with a take minimum units?

I have been accepted into UC Merced but during my last semester I got a D in Calculus. Now Calculus is not a required course for me as I have already completed three years of Math without it. I was wondering if you could give any insight on my position and my chances of being rescinded. I have already notified the School of my grade and it is my only low grade during the semester, all others are A’s and B’s. Any insight and advice is appreciated as I am majorly stressing right now.

are rescind policies different for schools that exercise holistic admissions? I will be attending Ithaca college next year (they use holistic admissions).

Dear Dean Rubenstone

I was accepted into Rutgers University. I took an intro to comp sci class at my local community college during my first semester of my senior year. But I ended up failing the course (but at the same time my high school gpa was a 3.5). I didn’t have the final grade when I originally applied, but now I am sending them in along with my final transcripts at the urging of my counselor. I have been driving myself crazy about whether I would be rescinded or not and what I should do. Will my school rescind me because of this failing grade?

Hi. Question for Sally. What about revocation of admission due to an F in Calc. for medium selective state schools?? We are Va residents. DD was admitted (early decision) to Virginia Tech with 3.75 (weighed) and 29 ACT. She took 2-3 pre-AP,AP classes per year and had varsity sports, lots of community service. She will be a Psych major. She got A/Bs for 1st semester of Sr year with a C in Calc, and will likely finish out with A/Bs for the year with possibly an F in Calc. Is she in danger of getting admission revoked from a mid-tier state school? I know this might be an issue for Ivy or if she was in Engineering. We have done tutoring, etc. throughout the year to no avail. She was also diagnosed with mono in March, but I don’t think that played a huge role–more that she just doesn’t “get it.” Her other math grades were all As with a B in Functions Trig last year. Should we be worried? Should she contact/write a letter to the school? thank you, Elaine5

Dean Rubenstone, please excuse me the informal address above. no way to edit.

@elaine5 - No apologies needed! (The older I get, the more I cling to informality to feel younger. :wink: )

I don’t see a rescinded acceptance in my crystal ball, but it still will reflect well on your daughter to have her write a letter to explain the “F,” mentioning the mono and the extra efforts she made to keep her head above water … albeit unsuccessfully.

thank you.


Hi, Sally!

I have already talked to several counselors at my community college about this topic, but silly, anxious me just wants another opinion.

I was accepted to Berkeley transfer in fall 2015. I am currently completing my last semester at CC, and I am worried that getting a D in a class is going jeopardize my admission to Cal. It’s Microeconomics, which in my case is an additional class that I am taking so I can meet 60 units, but not a major requirement. I know that D’s are technically still transferable credit, but do people even transfer to Cal with D’s? It’s pretty unheard of for me. My transfer GPA was a 3.8 at time of application, and then a 3.7 at the end of winter semester. I’m worried that they are going to see a decline in my grades and rescind me.

As far as the econ class, I’m working my butt off so that a C is a more likely possibility, but I’m still worried. I’ve tried everything, but my professor is of no help. I even hired a tutor and increased studying hours, but I’m still worried. I was planning on not working at all this semester, because i’m taking so many units, but due to unforeseen circumstances, i have had to invest time in working as well as taking 19 units. Also, my conditions of admission says, “Winter and/or Spring 2014 terms with a 3.0 or higher GPA and no grade lower than a C.” . Does that mean spring and winter together or each one individually? Will the college take into account the fact that I am taking 19 units, which is more than I’ve ever taken, and will that hurt me?
I’m absolutely bombarding you with questions, but I am just so freaked out at the possibility of getting my admission rescinded. Your input is greatly appreciated!

@gobearswastaken -I get so many questions about UC’s policies regarding students with D and F grades but with otherwise decent GPA’s that I am trying to go right to the horse’s mouth and find out exactly when the UC schools will rescind an acceptance and when they won’t. In other words, I asked if there is wiggle room when the rest of the GPA is good or when there are extenuating circumstances or when the course that the student did poorly in is an extra class that the student didn’t even need to take, etc. So once I get an official response from UC, I will share it. Hopefully that will be promptly!

Hey Sally!

I’m in a kinda bad situation right now. I just realized today that I will be receiving a D in AP Chemistry which violates the UCSD contract which should rescind me.

My senior year GPA is still above a 3.0 (both semesters combined), and AP Chemistry is my 5th year of science (I took Chemistry Honors 9th, AP Bio 10th, APES and AP Physics 11th), and in all of these courses I got mostly As and a few Bs, so my A-G for science is well over complete.

I also have the option to enroll in a local community college to take Chem 1A (equivalent of AP Chemistry) and if I do so, then will I be able to compel UCSD not to rescind me?

The reason for my low grade is because of a 2 week leave I had to take because of a family emergency. During my 6 week progress report, I had a B in the class, but because I missed so much curriculum, my grade suffered. I also did my final research paper wrong and I offered to redo a portion of it which was wrong, but my teacher said that I couldn’t redo it.

Is there anything I can do to not get rescinded?

If I do get rescinded, will I still be able to attend UCR (I didn’t SIR there, but I am part of the Honors Program as well as a Chancellor’s Scholar)

I’m really worried and I would really appreciate any help/advice!


@Sally_Rubenstone Hi Sally!

I was accepted to Cornell University CALS-AEM off the waitlist recently. First semester of senior year I had 3 A’s and 3 B’s in 6 AP classes, but this semester I have 1 C in AP computer science and 5 B’s in my other classes. Would this cause me to get rescinded? Thanks!