When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

<p>If you have already been admitted to a college as a transfer, you have until whatever date they have given you to accept the offer (in this case, May 1). BUT … if your grades have gone down significantly since you applied, it is POSSIBLE that admission officials will revoke your acceptance once they see your final transcript. If you are worried that you may be on thin ice, you should still have time to raise your grades this semester.</p>

<p>Im definately not worried about grades, im just worried that it will get to the end of the semester, and i send in my transcript like they ask, but then they will say “ohh so sorry, all of our spots have been filled up” or “you have waited too long to send in your application, so weve stopped reviewing it and moved on to someone else.” im really new to all this, sorry :/</p>

<p>Have situations like that happened? If they find at the end of the semester, someone has a good transcript, but there is no more room for them in the college? Thats what i mean by “saving spots.”</p>

<p>You should apply right away, if you haven’t already, and use the transcript you’ve gotten up until now (i.e, grades through the first semester of this year). If you have any mid-term grades from this semester, feel free to submit those, too. The college may decide to wait until they’ve seen your current grades before making a decision, but at least you will have established yourself as an applicant. And, if this school is your first choice, you should tell them so. </p>

<p>At rolling admission colleges, it’s certainly possible that highly qualified students are turned away due to applying too late, so get your application in ASAP.</p>

<p>Yes! I applied at the end of February, and sent in my fall transcripts. Unfortunately, the college i go to does not submit Midterm Grades on the Transcript because the grades change so frequently and if i were to send them now they would not show up on the transcript, just the fall grades. Since Purchase wants Official Grades, they said they will wait at the end of the semester to have them. Im thinking of sending in a Common App Midterm Report paper, but im not sure if it would make any difference since they specifically requested Official Spring 2011 Transcript.</p>

<p>You can tell how nervous and confused i am, i just want to know more about the admissions process, and how they handle the many people with my situation.</p>

<p>The admission process IS very confusing, so you are not alone in your distress.</p>

<p>If you already applied to Purchase in February, you are “in the queue.” Apparently they want to wait to see your spring grades before making a decision. My guess is that you are a borderline applicant, so good 2nd-semester grades could push you into the “In” pile. (Can’t say for sure, but that’s what it sounds like.) </p>

<p>I realize that midterm grades don’t go on transcripts, but if you have any (strong) midterm grades to show off (i.e., on a mid-term exam or paper), it can’t hurt to send an update to Purchase that includes copies of these grades as well as a reminder that you’re eager to enroll and will make sure your spring transcript arrives as soon as it’s ready.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>OOOhhhhh okay i see what you mean!!! Thank you very much Sally, your advice and words of wisdom mean alot to me!!! :D</p>

<p>You’re very welcome. Let us know how you make out at Purchase.</p>

I noticed couple days ago that on my UC application I listed a class in 10th grade (first semester only b/c i transfered schools) as AP Chemistry when it was actually Honors Chemistery. for the second semester, I listed it correctly as Honors Chemistery. I emailed UCinfo about this and they said that they would notify the UC’s I applied for. </p>

<p>Will this become a negative problem for me? Will this cause the UC’s reject me because of my mistake?</p>

<p>Oh, and there was another mistake, I listed my 10th grade Algebra2/trig (second semester) as a normal class when it was actally an Honors. I didn’t report this mistake though because I just found out today as I looked through my application.</p>

<p>I’m so worried b/c of my stupid mistakes. I checked my application a bunch of times but I guess i overlooked my classes. GAHHHH!!!</p>

<p>Please and Thank you!!!</p>

<p>Not a problem krntomboy. Your errors will not affect your admissions outcome, but you were wise to send the email about the chem mix-up.</p>

<p>But, don’t lose any sleep over this one.</p>

<p>I have had a clean disciplinary record, except for an incident earlier this month in which I was given in-school suspension for bypassing my school internet filter. Will this go on my final transcript, and will schools rescind me for this? Thx</p>

My son was diagnosed with depression but we unfortunately did not notice or take him to a dr. until he had it for several months. It was probably in reaction to the death of a friend in the fall. We just found out our straight A student has all F’s. (quarter grades). He has already been accepted to some higher tier universities and he is awaiting some Ivy league decisions. He has been prescribed meds and is seeing a therapist. The therapist recommended that he lighten his load and drop some planned college courses for spring quarter. He was already given a late withdrawal for one based on a medical.</p>

<p>He has been doing much better and has pulled his grades up to C’s–he seems to be back on track with his normal success but the make-up work has been difficult to get on top of and is bringing down his grades. </p>

<p>What do we do about college admissions? His Drs. are convinced that this is just a blip in an otherwise very stable young man. They do think however, that his stressful senior year schedule added to the situation to create the “perfect storm”. </p>

<p>Will his colleges take his situation into consideration or just rescind? When would be the best time to contact them? Do we wait until he can show he is back on track or do we find out what they think now in case he needs to make other college plans?</p>

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<p>luchteam–sorry to hear of your travails. I’m sure that this is a tough time for the whole family. So what are the next steps?</p>

<p>Your son needs to tell admission officials about this situation (i.e., exactly what you’ve told us) now–or soon. He shouldn’t wait until colleges have seen his final transcript. The information will be most effective if it comes from your son but is also corroborated by his school counselor and his therapist. Different colleges will probably react in different ways. Some may rescind his acceptance; some may ask him to take a summer class or two to see if he’s up to handling college level work. Some may ask him to take a gap year; some may be very sympathetic and allow him to matriculate in September (but probably under close watch, perhaps with some probation terms tacked on, too).</p>

<p>You may even want to PROPOSE a “solution” before the college offers one … e.g., the summer classes or the gap year. (If the latter, it might include an academic component, too.)</p>

<p>At this point, since the Ivy verdicts are just days away, I think it makes sense to see how your son fared BEFORE the colleges learn of his downturn. Obviously, you don’t have to approach the colleges that didn’t admit him based on his straight-A transcript.</p>

<p>But, once all the decisions are in, you need to contact all the colleges that did say yes and put your cards on the table. It’s better to make this preemptive strike than it is to hope that colleges won’t notice the big change on the final transcript that they’ll receive in June.</p>

<p>Good luck with this. Life is never a straight line, is it?</p>



<p>Shouldn’t be a problem at all. Just be careful to stay out of all trouble between now and the end of the year. Even what may just seem like a senior prank to you can backfire if you’re already on slightly thin ice.</p>

<p>Did your son get rescinded? I’m in a similar situation.</p>

<p>Sally, S will still have one more semester. His HS is on a schedule where they do 4 classes each term. This makes for 4 grading periods. Fall term he maintained a 4.0 (both semesters) and these grades were sent mid-year. He is now finishing the first semester of the second term. He will still have another semester to complete. Based on his current trend, he should be able to get back to straight A’s. Will this help? Would it be ethical to wait to contact them until his GC can confirm that he is indeed back on track?</p>

<p>Should he try to take the spring quarter class at the college?</p>

<p>Sure, he can wait to contact the colleges until he’s clearly back on track. Your eyes are open so you know that if he doesn’t pull up the grades as you hope he will, you might have to face rescinded decisions late in the year. He has until May 1 to make a deposit. How far along in the final term will he be by then … far enough along to know where his final grades for that term are heading? (And even if he’s not back to all A’s, a serious reversal of his downturn should suffice.) </p>

<p>I don’t think that a college class is necessary now. Seems like he’s got enough on his plate already.</p>

<p>On my college application I wrote that I would study on my own to take the AP physics c1 and c2 exams (the class isn’t offered at my school). But I won’t be able to finish all of the c2 curriculum before the exam so I’m only taking the first test. Will my colleges rescind acceptance? I intend to learn the material anyway, and the only reason I’m taking the exam is as proof that I learned the material - I don’t intend to skip any physics classes for it. Also, should I contact them and let them know that I’m only taking the first exam?

<p>So far I have a C in AB Calc, a B in AP physics, a B in english, an A in chinese and an A in art.
I applied to a few ivy league schools ( i haven’t got accepted to them yet, but I did get accepted to other schools that are ivy league level). When I applied I had a 3.8 GPA uw and a 4.2 weighted. I can bring that B in english up to an A-, but i was just wondering whether I should worry about that C in AB Calc and whether it will cause me to get my acceptance rescinded.</p>