When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

Hi @Sally_Rubenstone , I just found this thread after some anxiousness about my grades and would like to have your input from your experience. I have the same 4 quarter system as CCSenioritis ,and am having trouble in 2 classes. This third quarter I may have 2 C’s in these classes, but the rest of my grades will be equal to when I applied, A’s and B’s. I am looking towards attending Columbia, or Swarthmore, and other schools I have been accepted to.

For a little more background into my situation, I had a tough first half of this third semester and in addition I have also had some personal family and family friend illness and passing away of people close to me. I have gone to tutoring at school and have even stayed after school at tutoring with my teachers, which allowed me to raise these 2 grades to a C. So I will focus on raising them my fourth semester to make my third and fourth semesters even out to a B in both classes. Do you believe I should send an email to my colleges, and also do you believe they would rescind me? Thank you!

Hi, I currently have a C in AP Calc, C+ in AP Economics, and C+ in AP Statistics. I had mostly B’s and A’s in those courses during the first semester. The rest of my current grades are B’s and A’s. Considering that I got accepted into a very decent school as a business major, do you believe that I will get rescinded? Thanks!

@123isthisok -Colleges only care about final grades, so if your C’s are only in the 3rd quarter, you have nothing to worry about at all. If, however, you think you may get 2 C’s for your FINAL grades, it would be worthwhile to be pro-active and contact the college you plan to attend to explain your situation. It is highly unlikely that a college will rescind for 2 C’s but it could raise eyebrows and lead to a warning letter, so it makes sense to stay on top of this and let your college know what you’ve been dealing with … but only if the downturn continues. If you pull your grades up to B’s or B-'s for the year, nothing will happen.

@shtang- My crystal ball sees just a warning letter if you end up with three C’s (or C+'s). If you post the name of the college (or PM me), I might be able to say more … or not.

Thank you for your response @Sally_Rubenstone !

I was wondering if you knew if a college would rescind my offer of admission because I already filled out the form that says I agree to attend in the Fall, but I’ve started alerting the other colleges that I will not be attending their institutions. I fear that I may end up with a “B” in my dual enrollment political science class which changes the last semester’s grades on my report card to B and B.
Do you @Sally_Rubenstone think my college would rescind my admission in this case?

@SantiagoAlverez -Sorry, but I’m confused by your question. Are you simply asking if a college will rescind for B’s? If so, the answer is no, Well, perhaps if a student had had only A’s through high school and then got ALL B’s on a final report card, the admission folks might send a warning note. But, if I’m understanding your situation correctly, you should be fine.


Yes. Because I’ve had only A’s since third grade, and this’ll be the first time I’ve ever had a B in my life. The college is Yale University. I don’t know if they would see that, and then be extremely disappointed [ like the teachers and my parents] and rescind my admission. I had already signed my freshmen agreement to attend form, and started saying no to my other schools. I fear they would rescind my offer of admission, and then I wouldn’t be able to attend my other colleges [because I told them no].

Sorry for the confusion.

@SantiagoAlverez -Congrats on your Yale acceptance. You have no worries with a B! So enjoy your good news and don’t have any concerns about a rescinded acceptance. You’d need a whole slew of C’s or a D and an F before that could happen. And also get used to getting grades lower than A’s. Maybe you’ll be an A-student at Yale, too. But attending an Ivy League college can be stressful for anyone who has only gotten A’s up until college. Imagine being in an entire community with straight-A students. So perhaps this lone “B” is actually good for you. It will keep you from freaking out next year if your grades aren’t perfect. :wink:

The universities in my state will only rescind for Ds and Fs but the standards are somewhat low here


Will I get a warning letter or even a rescinded acceptance from Johns Hopkins for a B- and a B (one in Biology, one in English)? Even if I applied for a bio major?

Sincerely worried. Before this, I’ve had all A’s except one B in soph year…

Hello Dean! My son’s been accepted into two of VA’s flagship colleges. He’s stressing out like crazy, and doesn’t even want me to mention much specifics here…and frankly, I’m stressing out.

So final grade in AP Math MAY be a C. Four A’s, (3 AP AP Lit, Bio, and one more class I can’t remember) one regular including A in the major for which he applied at college), B or B+ in AP Govt and B+ in AP Environmental science.

the AP Math started at an B+ mid-year grades sent to school were a B, now possibly ending on C. Six of 7 classes all AP…what chances for a rescind?

Thank you!!!

@Tardis11 and @debatejunkie - I’ve said it over and over … colleges will not rescind for one C and I’ve never heard of a college rescinding for 2 though maybe it’s happened. And they definitely don’t rescind for a couple B’s.

THANK YOU!!! (It was 5 of 7 as AP not 6 of 7…I lose track…) thank you!

Hello Dean!

I just wanted to ask you about a mistake on my UC app.

After getting into UCB, I was reviewing my application when I saw that I had mistakenly listed two classes, “Principles of Business” and “Principles of Marketing,” which do not count for a-g credit, as classes that count for g credit in the Academic History portion of my application. I did get an A both semesters in both classes, if that matters at all, and I fulfill my g requirement even without them.

From what I understand, I was only supposed to report a-g courses on my application, and I’m worried that this could be grounds for getting rescinded, as they would impact my UC GPA. Is this a major issue?

Thank you!

Super sorry to double post, but forgot to mention that one of those classes (PoB), was taken my Freshman year, so only PoM would influence my GPA.

I super worried about being rescinded from my college like many on this thread, and I was wondering if you could give me your input. Currently I have a 2 Cs in AP Calculus BC and AP Chemistry, and first semester senior year I earned 2 Bs in these classes. I have As in all my other classes and I was accepted into the university with only 3 Bs and all As for freshman, sophomore, and junior year. I really overloaded myself this year, and I am really trying my best to bring both the grades up. Things are not looking too great…
I plan on attending the University of Colorado Boulder College of Engineering next year, and I got into an honors program based partially on grades and the rest on essays. I also received some scholarships that depended on my weighted GPA. CU has not seen my any of my senior year grades as they do not request them for the application cycle. My weighted GPA is still a 4.7 and my unweighted is still a 3.8 even with the 2 Cs and 2 Bs. I’m very afraid that CU Boulder will rescind. If not the whole school, maybe only the engineering department (the requirements for engineering were a little bit different). I am also worried about scholarships and the honors program. If the school didn’t rescind me, could they take away the scholarships and program that I was already accepted into?

@greentigerkai–You bring up a good point when you suggest that, even when a college or university overall doesn’t rescind an acceptance, it may be possible that a specific department or program will … or that merit scholarship offers might be withdrawn. Unfortunately, I know nothing about the policies of individual departments nor do I know the guidelines for merit grants. Your best bet is to take the bull by the horns and write to your CU admissions rep to voice your concerns. In your letter you should discuss your very heavy workload and the efforts you have made to stay on top of it.

Given that your overall GPA is still strong, and that your worst grades are C’s–not D’s and F’s-- (and in very challenging AP classes) you will probably be fine. But it’s better to find out where you stand NOW and not over the summer.

Good luck!

@jaysus–Nothing to worry about for you.

Hi Sally!
I am worried because I did not pass AP Literature last semester. I passed with a D+ because I was busy writing my scholarship essay and did not turn in one essay on time therefore my teacher gave me a zero. This results for my bad semester grade and failing to meet the a-g requirement. To make the situation worse, this semester my grades are not looking too well. I have an F in calculus because the class I missed out a month due to my trip in Mexico and I am not sure if I can bring my grade up since I am missing 2 tests. The 5th grading period just ended yesterday, and I have six more weeks to bring my grade up. My AP Literature grade is still a D and I’m not sure if my teacher will bring my grade up or change my last semester grade. I am provisionally admitted to Cal Poly Pomona, and I’m scared to report it to the admission office even though they will see my transcript soon. What should I do? Should I ask my Literature teacher to change my grade from last semester or report it to the admission office?