When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@sdn0219 - I know that Cal Poly San Luis Obispo will rescind admission if any senior grade is below a C, if the a-g requirements are not met, or if the GPA in any senior term is below 3.0. I assume that Cal Poly Pomona has the same policies but I don’t know for sure. (Perhaps another CC member does?)

At this point, you will be in rough shape if you can’t pull up both your AP Lit grade AND your Calculus grade. It certainly can’t hurt to talk to the Lit teacher to see if you have a chance at better grade, but–because the course is over and the grade has been posted–that could be a long shot. You’d still have to raise your Calc grade considerably, too.

Your best bet is to contact the admission office at Cal Poly and see if you have any recourse. You might volunteer to start the school year on Academic Probation. You could offer to take a summer class as well, but typically the California colleges don’t go for that when a student has received low grades as a senior.

What you should NOT do is to ignore this. Even if the news is bad, you’re better off finding out now than in July or August. And if your admission is rescinded, it might feel pretty awful at first, but it’s not the end of the world. This crazy process often manages to end up in a meant-to-be kind of way, even when there are big disappointments before you realize it.

Good lucK!

Hi Sally

Do you know if University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign will rescind me if I got a C- in AP Comp Sci. I got a Unweighted 3.25 for this recent quarter including the C- by the way

@kdco2016 -UIUC rescinds for an “extreme” decline in grades. That doesn’t sound like your situation at all.

But if you were planning to be a Comp Sci major, I have no idea if the Comp Sci department has its own standards for AP Comp Sci grades. You’d have to contact them directly.

Hi Sally,
Worst case scenario for me is two C’s in AP calc AB and AP Lit, when I was admitted with all A’s.
I think I can pull up my lit grade to at least a B, but I’m really worried about if I can’t.
What are your thoughts?
Thanks for any help.

@sdhl11 -Probably not a problem but what college are you going to and what other classes/grades do you have this semester?

hi!! i don’t know if someone has already asked you this, but i was wondering if the 3.0 UW gpa on the UC admissions contract is unweighted UC gpa where +/- aren’t taken into account or if it’s the UW gpa at your high school? My school uses + and - in our grading system so a B- would be a 2.7 while it would be a 3.0 on the UC scale.


Hey Sally! I recently got admitted into UCLA but received 2 Cs, 2As, and one B while taking 3 AP classes last semester. I’ve received Cs before and was wondering if they would revoke my admission based of last semesters performance?

@csmy97 - The UC schools will compute your GPA without the pluses and minuses. So a B- would count as a 3.0

@Chrisplak -No problem for you.

I am an A average student, but for senior second semester I got C in my regular English class. I got A/A- in all my other classes. Will my college admission be rescinded if I am going to a Top5 liberal arts college…

@scyinpiano -As noted above, colleges will not rescind for one C. And if this English class is a year-long class, then the college folks probably won’t even see the C, assuming that you did better in the first semester and that your final grade will be roughly an average of the two.

Thank you for your response! Our english class is semester-long. For first semester I got A-… So I am safe with the C in the second semester right even though I am going to a very selective college…

@Sally_Rubenstone do you think if I got 3 Cs, 1 B, and 1 A second semester they would revoke it? Thanks so much for this thread! You’re the bestest :))

@Sally_Rubenstone Just to confirm… Even though the school is a top 3 liberal arts college, one C will not put my admission in jeopardy right? Thanks so much!

@scyinpiano -One C will NOT put your admission in jeopardy.

@Chrisplak -Check the contract you should have received from UCLA. It probably says that you will be expected to maintain a B (3.0) average in your senior year. If you receive 3 C’s plus one A and one B, that will put you below a 3.0. BUT … if those are just semester grades, you may finish the year with a higher GPA if you did well in the first semester. Check your acceptance offer carefully to see if the 3.0 requirement is for the YEAR or for either SEMESTER. If the latter, you better do what it takes (anything legal and ethical, of course) to make sure you get that 3.0.

Hi sally, im an admitted student in the northeastern NU in program.

Allmy grades are at an A/B range with the exception of a C in AP chemistry, a challenging class for me personally(didn’t do the best last SEM either)… With that said, Im very worried about my final, I’ve studied hard, but I feel very pressured because I really would love to not get my admission rescinded. The terms of admissions says nothing below a C… Is a C- below a C or is that still considered in the C range?


Hello Sally, I’m going to be attending a top ten national university in America. What happens if I get all A’s, but I have to drop a class, will that cause the college to rescind their admission?

@Mchichioco -The University of California system, known for its strictness in rescinding acceptances when student grades falter, will accept a C- as a C. But I really don’t know what the Northeastern U policy is. My best guess is that a C- would not get you rescinded, but it can’t hurt to call to ask, just so you know what you’re dealing with.

Also, if you do find out that they might rescind for a C- (again, it seems unlikely to me), then you might be able to beg your AP Chem teacher to give you a C, even if a C- is looming. If the teacher realizes that you’ve been trying hard, he or she may be willing to bump up your grade just that tiny notch to make sure that you’re safe.

@KrazyKorean -Colleges do not look kindly on dropped classes, so once you have made your college choice, you should contact the admission office before dropping the class. If it’s a major subject … e.g., one of your more rigorous AP classes … then it could definitely hurt you to drop it at this late date. If the college folks say that it’s okay to make the change, be sure to get this approval IN WRITING (email is fine) before you make it official.

Hi Sally I was admitted under the Early Decision deadline at a top 5 liberal arts school. From Freshman year through the first semester of my Senior year I maintained an A average with straight A’s during the first semester of this year. I am on track to finish the second semester with one B in Ap Microeconomics and another B in Ap U.S. Government and A’s in my other classes. Should I be worried about getting my admission rescinded? Thanks!