When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@Sally_Rubenstone thank you for your response! It will show both the percentage in the high 60s and the C+. Will they think it’s a C+ or D ? And am I in danger as this is my only course with a C+ …

@ZaGongShow -If your school scale shows that the numerical grade you received is considered a C+ at your school, then the admission officials will consider it a C+ as well. I don’t think you’ll get rescinded if you make it clear that you didn’t get a D.

@Sally_Rubenstone I was accepted to CMU as a chemistry major with a reported 3.83 GPA. Last semester I got a 4.0 and this semester I’m looking at a 3.2 or a 3.4. I might get a C in AP Calc BC and AP Physics. Recently my dad lost his job and it’s really hit him as a person hard so family life hasn’t been so great, but compared to getting a grave illness, I don’t think the two can be compared when it comes to explaining a dip in grades. (I’m assuming) that 1 C isn’t a risk for rescinding, but how dangerous would 2 C’s be?

@intagi–Sorry to hear about your dad’s job loss. Two C’s could be a problem at CMU, so you should write to your admissions rep today and explain your home-front situation and how stressful it’s been. Also make a point of adding that you’re making your peace with the big change and that you’ll be fully ready to embrace the rigors of college life in September. But, meanwhile, will the job loss affect your family’s ability to meet your college costs? If so, your father should contact the CMU financial aid office and explain his new circumstances because, if you applied for financial aid, you may be able to get more than you were initially awarded. If you did NOT apply for aid but now feel you need it, the finaid folks may say, “Too bad” or they may be willing to work with your family to provide some help. It’s definitely worth looking into.

@Sally_Rubenstone hi Sally, I am a transfer student who was admitted into UC Berkeley today. I am a 4,0 student and I have finished 3 out of the 4 major pre-reqs for the university. However on my UC app I put that I planned to finish the 4th pre-req this semester. Las minute I decided to take another course, UC transferable, which is not a pre-req for my major.
I am going to call UC Berkeley on Monday and notify them, I just wanted to know if you think they will rescind their acceptance?

@lexalax - As you probably have realized, it wasn’t too brilliant of you to switch classes after submitting your application. But now that you have done it, you do need to contact Berkeley immediately and inform them. My best guess (a guess indeed) is that your acceptance will NOT be revoked but you MAY be asked to make up that class over the summer. Good luck!

@Sally_Rubenstone Thank you so much for the reply! Your answer made me feel much better, taking the class over the summer is NO problem as long as they don’t revoke my acceptance.

@Sally_Rubenstone Thanks for the response, appreciate it! Ok will do, but wouldn’t bringing this up cause them to keep an eye on my application, when previously it would have just passed under the radar? My guidance counselor today told me that Ohio State is such a large school of 60,000 students that they likely would not make a huge fuss over my grades, especially considering the admissions for transfers is much more relaxed than normal high school seniors. He advised me NOT to bring attention to those grades unless Ohio State contacted me first, as they typically send warning letters rather than straight up rescindence letters. Still, I plan on retaking Physics 2 and Calc 2 at my community college back home.

@Sally_Rubenstone I do not mean to discredit your advice or anything, I’m just very conflicted right now

@Sally_Rubenstone Will I get rescinded from UC Riverside with a D in AP calc AB? It’s my only D EVER and I’ve been struggling with this class the whole year. I managed to pull my grade up to a C last semester, however, this semester has been more difficult and I have even got a tutor to help me out. At this point I don’t think there’s time to pull my grade up to a C. Do you think I will get rescinded? :frowning:

@ThugLife007 -If you were my child, I would suggest that you be proactive and contact the college if you end up with a couple of D’s. But I can understand why you might want to wait to see if the college contacts you first. There are no right or wrong answers and it sounds like you’re more comfortable waiting.

@AlejandroS16 -If the D is just a SEMESTER grade (or a quarter grade) and you got a C in the first semester, then–even if you get a D this term–you might get a C- for the FINAL grade, and colleges won’t rescind for that. They only care about the final grade and not the semester or quarter grade. But talk to your teacher and remind him or her that you got a C in the first semester so you really shouldn’t get a D for the year, even if you’re getting one this semester.

@Sally_Rubenstone can you elaborate on that? I’m not sure what you mean by me getting a C in first semester should guarantee me a C for my final grade. Also, will 1 D cause UC Riverside to rescind me? It is an Excess A-G course and my weighted GPA would be above a 3.0 because I’m taking 3 APs.

Hi, I had a quick question.
I got into THE OHIO STATE, hence my username, and this semester, I must admit I have had some senioritis. I am taking 3 AP classes, and I have an A in a non-AP class, a B/B+, in a AP class, a C in a non-AP class, a C in an AP class, and a B- in another AP class. They won’t rescind my acceptance if I don’t get a D+ or lower, I’m assuming?

@AlejandroS16 -UC schools maintain that a student with any grade lower than C should expect an acceptance to be rescinded. But the universities use FINAL grades only … not grades that are on the quarterly or semester report cards. So if your FINAL grade in your math class is not a D, you should be okay. You said in your initial post that you struggled to get a C in the first semester. Thus, if this is the SAME math class, you might be able to finish the year with better than a D, even if you get a D in the second semester. I assume that the teacher would average the two semester grades in order to determine the final grade.

But you do finish the year with a D in that course, you should contact UC Riverside to explain that it is an extra course. You may be able to convince them not to count it, if you’ve fulfilled your a-g requirements already.

@THEohiostate -You should be okay.

Hi I’m a senior and will be going to st.louis college of pharmacy this fall. I had A- for AP calc BC last semester but this semester the class became so hard for me that I barely have a B. I just took the final and it didn’t go that well and I don’t know if I can keep my B even if my teacher curves it. I think the transcript that my school sends has my semester 2 grade so will they just ignore that and count the overall grade? Will they ask me to explain why my grade dropped so much? Also would they take away the presidential scholarship?


@stlcop2023 lmao, stop being so freaking anal! You’ll be fine! Calm down. I’m pretty sure they won’t care unless you get a D. And they will probably only start taking away scholarships once you are at the university and are getting bad grades then. Relax, ffs

Hi, I was admitted to UNC as a transfer student. I made a D in Chem 2 this semester because I did poorly on the final. Do you think I will be rescinded? I have made almost all As all throughout college and high school.

i got into csu channel islands with a unweighted 2.8gpa and i declared enviro science. if i get an A, A, B, C, C, D (in biotech) do you think they will take away my admission?