When Do Colleges Rescind Acceptances?

@roonaz-As I’ve said dozens of time already (though I don’t blame you for not reading this entire thread), your college will not rescind for one C.

@thealvintran -As noted above, most colleges don’t even see any grades besides the final ones. And D’s always look A LOT worse than C’s, even if the D comes with a B.

Oh, I definitely didn’t drop or switch any classes, I just dropped an exam I said I was gonna take (euro). That’s not considered “dishonesty” on my application, then?

I am a senior in high school and I’m taking a Physics course at a cal state but I am not doing so well in it. I was wondering if the university that accepted me could resend me for not passing a college course?

@AquaT17–Yes, it’s possible that your admission could be rescinded for not passing a college course, especially if you were admitted to a UC school. I think it’s a shame that students who challenge themselves with tough classes can get penalized if they don’t do well. So make sure that your college admissions rep realizes that you didn’t have to take this class put took it to stretch yourself. Good luck!

Hi ! I’m very stressed right now because I’m very nervous about my situation.
I did early decision application to University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was put in wait-list but eventually got acceptance on March 30th after submitting my mid-year grade (first semester of senior year)
I’m taking 5 AP’s senior year (same amount as junior year).
I got 2 A’s and 2 B’s first semester and even though I haven’t finished second semester, my worst case scenario would be 3 B’s and 1 C in 2nd semester of senior year. Could these grades be potential threat to make my acceptance to be revoked? Also would it affect my OSSA grant amount from FAFSA? I’m especially more worried because I know I am probably not a strong candidate since I got acceptance in wait-list. Thank you for your time !

(continued) By the way, the grades are 8 separate grades for 8 courses per year ! (4 per semester)
And my worst case scenario for second semester is changed to 1 A, 2 B’s, 1 C

will I get recinded for this
AP U.S Gov A, AP Comparative Gov A
Child Development A Anthropology A
I will have straight A’s and one D, which I cannot raise cuz my teacher is horrible.
I am going to UCLA for nursing…
I technically don’t need calc bc for nursing cuz its technically a duall enrolment class
Also first semester I was super involved with EC’s and very stressed out due to family circumstance…

You posted in a bit out of the way place, I do think it is very likely you will get rescinded for a D. UC do that very commonly. Plus you are accepted to nursing which has a very tiny admit rate… What you are need to do is get ahead of it by contacting admissions and having a credible reason. The teacher is horrible will not go over well as a reason. If you have any chance to salvage the grade do it by cramming using khanacademy.com or other online resources. Studying your book, etc. It doesn’t matter if you needed the class–you needed some math likely to get accepted, plus you reported this on your schedule so they admitted you based on your anticipated schedule. I hope you can get past this, please report back.

Also, I would love to know what factors you think got you accepted to nursing there. I have a nursing applicant now. I am also curious how an AP class is DE since college just has Calc 1, Calc 2 etc.

@mrsuicidesheep -I am almost certain that your acceptance and financial aid should be okay, even with the downturn in grades. But I did put in a call to UNC yesterday to confirm. I had to leave a voicemail message and have not gotten a reply. I’ll post again when (or if??) I do.

@biobabe-As unfair as it can seem, UC schools DO rescind for ANY grade of D, even when the course is a very challenging (and unneeded) one and when the rest of the grades are strong, and in rigorous classes to boot. You should definitely contact the school to explain your situation.

But @BrownParent advised you wisely… don’t say, “The teacher is horrible.” That rarely goes over well with colleges. However, you COULD say something like, “The teacher is new to this class and seems to have trouble explaining the material. Many other top students are struggling too, although we have tried to seek extra help.”

There IS wiggle room when there are extenuating circumstances, and especially when the rest of the transcript is as good as yours is. Good luck!

@Sally_Rubenstone Im going to Cornell this fall and I have been a straight A student every year in high school. This year I am taking 6 APs; do you think Cornell will remind me if I have 3 Bs as final grades (I had straight As for the first semester).

I haven’t looked through this whole thread but I have a special case as well:
I have a friend who has been suspended for an incredibly disrespectful email towards a teacher and he’s supposed to be going to an ivy league school next year. Would this be cause for rescinding?

I had another rescinding question. I’m in 7 classes but this semester I was forced to drop AP Calculus AB as well as dual enrollment french. I’m still in 5 other ap classes but i’m worried that because I got 1 A 3 B’s and 1 C this semester, dropping those classes will put me at risk. I might add that I was forced to drop the class because it was over enrolled.

@ncball -No, Cornell will not rescind your acceptance.

@premstudent - Not enough information here. A rescinded acceptance might be a possibility but it would depend on the specific nature of the infraction and its context, and, of course, on whether or not the school reports it to the college.

CCSenioritis-It’s not clear to me WHEN you dropped those classes. Do the admission officials at the college you plan to attend still think you are taking them? Your grades alone should be okay, but the dropped classes could cause more of a problem unless the college already knows that you are no longer enrolled in them. College folks can be very fussy about schedule changes made after applying unless they are kept in the loop before their decisions are finalized.

@mrsuicidesheep -After playing a couple rounds of telephone tag with Melody Levy in the UNC/Chapel Hill admission office, she left me a long, detailed message that answered every question I might have had if I’d spoken with her in person.

The short version is that, at UNC, a committee convenes in the summer to review student transcripts and to discuss student grade dips. She said that whenever there are concerns about a transcript, the first step is to contact the student and give the student a chance to explain. But acceptances are only rescinded when the downturn is “drastic,” which yours definitely is NOT. She also said that sometimes a student whose senior grades declined will be required to start college on academic probation. But these are cases that are more serious than yours. You should be fine, and I like the way that UNC has no hard-and-fast rules about how a grade-dip is handled. Instead, the committee looks at the situation in context and is open to the student’s explanation.

The school has just reported it. It involved an email that was CCd to the whole graduated class and had incredibly inappropriate language towards the teacher. I don’t want to give specifics because of privacy, but the student is banned from school till graduation. He is graduating however.

I’m an international who was accepted into UIUCs class of 2020.

I recently got my senior grades which were 1 D, 2 Cs and 1 B. Could my offer be rescinded?
Also as an international student I was only asked to submit my sophomore grades which were all As and the reason for my bad grades was that I was very unwell throughout the year.